Hello! Thanks so much for all of the recent help. I am having an issue that I cannot figure out how to fix. I have a ball as a character, and every time the character bounces, the game frame moves up, which messes up the background as it moves with the game frame. I do not want anything to move when the character bounces. I am using the exact same game frame as the "iso jump" preset so it should not be moving the way it is. Here is what I mean: https://gyazo.com/ff733c528a3b4f3fb5579b63e318e3d3 Any help would be much appreciated!
@Triton_ In the Mind Map select the World node. And check the right sidebar. Camera Smooth will reduce the movement depending on the value you set. Align Camera Borders should prevent the movement. The ISO Jump preset uses Ghost Jump which does not use gravity to jump, this is why you don't see the issue there. If you still have problems email an example file to support@buildbox along with a description of the issue and we will try to help our
For me, adjusting the Camera smooth value does not make a change. As for Aligning the Camera Borders, where can I adjust this, or do you mean adjusting the game frame?
There should be a checkbox for "Align Camera Borders" it's either on or off. There are no values to adjust. It's right below Camera Smooth.