Hi all! Is there any way to destroy the main character when is pushed from an object outside the game screen? I already tried to modifying the Game Frame bars turning them into red color but it seems only work when the Direct Movement on the Character Gameplay Settings is unchecked. On the other hand when the Direct Movement is unchecked moving the main character results slow and difficult. Any advice it will be very appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. Sorry for my bad english. Cheers from Italy.
Normally the red colour frame is what works. Have you tried to play around with the threshold? The removes the previous scenes objects after a certain distance.
Hi spicedbeangames! Thanks for your reply! Yes the red colored frame usually works when you move directly your character through it. But if you don't move your character and is a object to push it through the red frame the character is not destroyed. I've also tried using low values for the object deletion threshold and the results is the destruction only of the objects that are pushing the character.
That is weird as it should kill your character, if for example in a runner game. Is your character a game object? Can you post some screenshots or video as it will help solve the problem faster
Thanks. I had a look and a play on one of my games and for the life of me, I can't figure out why its not working. Mine is fine, even with direct movement turned on. Try first raising the level of the red box so it fits inside the scene and is a little closer to your ship - it could be that it is too low to register as a kill. If that doesnt work - Try turning on image direction and see if that works. I saw that you had a damage box added, but that isnt the cause either, as I tried that too. Worst case scenario is to add a new character and use that to test. Just drag it above the current one, so it becomes the default in the scene. even if its just a box, or any object to test. Failing that send your bbdoc to support, as there could be a bug somewhere
Thank you for your support and time. I'm sorry for the late answer but seems that my messages have to be valuated by moderators before publishing them. By the way, I've just tried what you've suggested. Raising the level of the red bar was one of the first thing I had already tried and still didn't work. The image direction is aligned on Y axis by default, I've tried to rotate it by 90, -90, 180 and it doesn't work. I've removed the character and replaced with a new one also without the damage box and it doesn't work the same. I've also noticed that to make it work I have to add the max speed in the Y axis and move the character through the red bar when playing. But in my case I just want to move the character only in the X axis so... yes, it's weird that it cannot destroy by another object pushing it through the red bar. I've also tested it on a Mac and there is the same issue. Even if you try to create a new scene with the Jetpack preset , check the direct movement, set an enemy with no destroy and collide and let the character pushed (without moving it) by the object through the red bar you'll see that the issue is still there. At this point I'm also thinking to use those objects in another way if I can't come up with a solution...