Just added webkit.framework and its working fine! I watched rewarded video 12 times and got 0 earnings, why? I think its because I am using testflight and app isnt published yet, right?
With video ads you need real installs to make it count. Webkit framework is explained in step 15 of the tutorial. See the important note at the end. Great you figured it out.
This should not be an issue and will disappear once the App is live. Haven't seen this for Chartboost before though. To make sure everything is working you should set up the test mode as explained in the third part of the tutorial under TEST YOUR 3rd-PARTY INTEGRATIONS. If it shows ads everything is good. Make also sure you have set up a Chartboost campaign on the Chartboost Dashboard.
Anyway to change Admob banner position? Now its at the bottom, but I would like to move it at the top
@EZKad or @Dan F could probably help you. This must be done in Xcode. See: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/inde...er-from-code-ios-and-android.5652/#post-29535 and the following post.
I never did it with iOS, the generated code on iOS is closed and there is a very small room for customisation for android it's quite easy, since some code is exported (the one to display banners for example). to change the AdMob banner position for android you need to edit file android\src\com\secrethq\ads\PTAdAdMobBridge.java search this string : "RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM" and replace it with "RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP", then rebuild the project. for iOS I needed I contacted the support for another usecase where I need some code customisation, but they just said that they don't provide code editing support. I'll be interesting to have more customisation possibilities, I also made a feature request for that, but I don't think that it'll be taken in consideration.
Hi @Christoph I have a question to you. I know that for earning money from ads in Heyzap users should download the app which is shown in ad not only watch ad . If i will choose Chartboost as an Ad Network in Heyzap will i still get income only when they will download app which is shown in ad .But i want to earn from views. Is it possible when i simple select chartboost and others like in this photo.
I think Chartboost has also CPI. But I might be mistaken. Admob banners will give you a nice revenue for impressions as well. So if you have banners then this could be what you are looking for. I'm probably not the best to answer this question though sorry. Others with more experience hopefully will get back to you.
@Christoph Hey man! Thanks for your tutorial. Seems like some glitches in the whole process and a few couldnt make it work. I didnt try it , but I went through the whole process by reading and understanding what u did. I made heyzap mediation work for android, I have a few technical questions if you would like to answer. 1# We put heyzap publisher API in the buildbox built in advertisement box. Then why we have to put same API code again after the boolean? 2# Can we follow heyzap mediation orthodox integration system and get the same result? Thanks.
Hello @Christoph, Thanks for the detailed tutorial and finally i have managed to install heyzap and test it on my device. i hope you can help with this question, In the debug SDK. When i click on Heyzap to fetch and show ads, it keep telling me: i.e HZVideoAd didFailToShowAd tag: "default" But i don't have any issues with the other ads network. Does Heyzap require the app to be live in app store to be able to show ads ? Best Regards, Nasser
This could be because of your geo location. Sometimes it doesn't fetch an ad depending on where you are located. Try with a VPN for the US and see if you have the same problem.
Thanks for the tutorial. We where able to get most of it setup except we are getting the below error with admob. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Hmmmmm no, I never have seen this particular error. When do you get it? I suggest as always go step by step and try to compile. Then you see when the error starts to appear and can try different things to resolve.
@drew / @Christoph I had the same issue and got it fixed by doing below, It is really weird solution but worked: Go to (Project Settings -> Advertisement) 1) Add Heyzap Publisher ID and delete everything else 2) Banner Priority List -> Add (AdMob) 3) In Project Map -> Assign Heyzap for both of banners and Interstitial. 3) Export to xcode and do the same steps in this tutorial. And it will work %100 Just ensure in xcode - Build Settings - Other Linker Flags (As attached photo), If you didn't select AdMob in Banner Priority List then you will not see GoogleMobileAds in Other Lineker Flags. Cheers, Nasser
Actually we put the priority list in the Android Setup too. So this is very interesting. Even though I setup everything without it and Admob is running well. Could be a change in the SDK... I will check it too with my next game. Thanks @Nasser for helping out.
Hey @Christoph Thanks for the tutorial! I'm wondering for an updated buildbox export is it possible to make work with all these settings? or should we re do these steps in Xcode with every new BB export ? Thanks
I wanted to add this information to the post for a long time but each time I click on edit my post it logs me out. Very annoying. But yes, you need to repeat all Xcode steps with each build. No way around this.