Game Running Slow

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by n0psagames, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. n0psagames

    n0psagames Boxer

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Hey, I am working on a very powerful pc that runs the game preview extremely fast and smooth. However, I tried the game on my little bit older android and everything is a lot slower. Same on my laptop, it's very slow. I then did some research and found out I have to reduce atlasses and make image sizes smaller. I did and reduced to 4 atlasses and pictures smaller. I also deleted all the unused content on the game. But it is still very slow. it's slow even in the empty world with just my character and few walls. What do I do?
  2. oni3350

    oni3350 Boxer

    Oct 6, 2016
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    I'm finding the same when testing my new game with 4 atlases too and small images on a pretty old android phone running JellyBean.

    I think maybe just because it's an old phone. I'm banking on the fact that majority of people now have Samsung galaxy's and stuff which should be able to handle it well. Like iPhone.

    Hopefully we shouldn't see many issues as old phones are old phones and not many people use them.

    How little bit older is a little bit older for your Andriod though?
  3. n0psagames

    n0psagames Boxer

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Android 4.4.4.. I have iphone 6s so going to test it on that soon..

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