Hi All, I have this "Function Over Time" animation node. So you would use it like the Scale, Rotation and Position Animation Nodes in BB3 What it does is it Allows you to Enable Rotation Animation and the speed of the rotation Enable the Scale Animation and set the Scale Factor, Duration of the Scaling, and the Easing of the scale. Lastly, and this is the best bit, it allows you to enter a function for the movement of each axis over time The Function Over Time is something like Math.sin(t) where t is time so you would get different results as time progresses. Entering different functions and different functions for each axis gives some cool movement. Here is a video of the examples in the BBDOC attached. Look at the examples and read the info in the node and hopefully it will make sense https://www.dropbox.com/s/uxllevkipih9tj3/FunctionOverTime.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/tapi57wafyl5ybl/FunctionOverTime.bbdoc?dl=0
hello dude, you've done a great job this is really awesome but i have a question what if i wanted to move an object to a position using these node? i mean that imagine this i've got a cube and when i press W i want to move it 10 points upward the x and i don't want this movement to be just normal i want it to be like the shapes in this video.
ok , i'm back again )) i solved it ! all i needed to do for this was to tamper with the delta value of position animation node.
Hey, I've been looking for a way to add the kind of easing you have here. I'm not sure how I extract the 'easing' parameter in your doc and apply that to my own doc. I'm essentially trying to adding easy easing (inertia) to my character within the switch preset. Can you offer some advice please? Thanks!
Hi ya I’ll try to help. At the moment there isn’t a way to add the easing dropdown list to the attributes so I started with an existing node and removed the attributes I didn’t want so the easing was still an attribute. The easing function is an internal BB function and it basically takes a time value between 0 and 1 and returns a number indicating where you would be on the easing curve at that point in time. You can then use this number to adjust your position or animation
Yes, that's where I've been getting stuck. I've been playing with the Time Easing node but having no joy there.