Hi! I am wondering if there is a way to put in an action/object that forces the character to jump when they touch it? I have a platform running game, and I originally had a solution that worked, but since the latest update it no longer does. I previously just had an action that changed the gameplay bounce value to 1, and increased the bounce force value. This caused the character to do a super jump whenever they touched this object. However it no longer seems to work. I have tried creating a small object just below this action that acted as a tiny ledge so that the character became airborne for a moment, and would therefore trigger the bounce. This seemed to work occasionally, but fails about half the time. I have also tried just using an invisible platform that wakes up on collision, and moves upwards, carrying the character up. This was very unreliable as well, because the platform would lift them a different distance depending on when you landed on the platform itself, and the movement looked very unnatural. Finally I have tried an action that changes the gravity for a moment, but the results are also inconsistent. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks!
what has changed... if it doesn't behave as before, it is likely a bug due to other fixes... like lights... right now if you attach a light to something, no matter where you place it on the scene, the light centers itself on what it's attached to... 1.3.6 brought that...and it persists in bb2 build 930... I sent a bbdoc into @theseanjonathanconnor at support that illustrates that, but it may have gotten lost in the shuffle.. I would say send it into support@buildbox.com and let them know that your game mechanics changed with an update so they can restore whatever broke.
Have you checked the original object you used? I noticed when updating to 1.3.6 that a spawner shooting bullets left, was now shooting them right. I just changed the direction back and it worked again. Failing that, you could use the Transform logic and play around there until you get the desired affect
@heathclose Not lost in the shuffle, I believe it's documented into the system for a fix. A ton going on right now but still tracked
Thanks for the suggestions! It was odd, because prior to updating to the latest version, if my character ran into an action that changed the gameplay bounce value, it would cause the character to bounce immediately. However, now that no longer happens unless you jump and then land on the ground again. This is basically the only thing that I can see that stopped functioning the same way. Would be much appreciated if you could see whether or not this was an intended change, @theseanjonathanconnor ? Thanks! Also, in regards to the transform logic, I had always wondered if it is possible to use these and apply it to the character (instead of objects)? I'm worried there is a super obvious way to do it that I just haven't been able to find! Thanks again everyone for the input!
Looking into whether an intended change or possibly collateral bug due to a different fix. Do you already have a ticket into support with this? If not definitely email support@buildbox.com with a quick example doc if possible. Transform logic on character will be possible Buildbox 2, however it has not been implemented into the Beta quite yet to my knowledge. Buildbox 1 it will not be unfortunately.