Hello everyone i made 15 scene each scene is very long so when i play i can find the enemy and traps from very fare which makes the games with to many objects available so how can i make the scene half visible and when you reach the half of the scene the other half is shown please i cant make short scene because i only have 15 limited scene so the longer i make the scene the more traps and enemies and objects i can add in a scene so please kindly help me how to make half of the scene shown and when you reach the half then the other half is visible?
hello, we are happy to help. Could you start with answering a few questions so that we can out you a bit more. What kind of game would are you creating? What have you already tried? Could you post a few screenshots of what you currently have?
its a 3d game and its like a Mario game where you collect coins and jump over traps and enemies and in order to save number of scene because its limited only to 15 i mad each one scene very long my problem is i dont want to see all the filed view of the scene when i start you can see to many coins from the beginning of the scene till the end of it
What is the "field of view" of a standard movie camera with a standard lens? About 60 degrees? I understand that when zoomed it can go down to 10 degrees or less, but I mean when it's just shooting a "normal" Kodi nox shot.