Hi I use bb version 2.2.2 to export amazon but my app is rejected because it is crashed on mashmallow and firephone. Can you show me how to fix that error?
Amazon will show you in their test feedback the problems - normally with images. Marshmallow is the latest version of Android iOS, so I suggest you update your Android SDK to the latest version, then test it if you can before submitting it again.
Does it say that it's rejected in that screenshot? I see the error message, but on the top there's a green nice message with a big Submit to Amazon Appstore.
I did it , latest SDK version. This is notice of amazon. Does buildbox support FireTV? Fire TV (2014) Fire TV Stick Fire TV (2015) Steps to reproduce: 1.Install and launch the app Expected Result:App features should be able to navigate through all app features How do I export for Fire TV or how do I fix code on eclipse to support Fire TV? Thank you.
I'm not sure if BB it does support Fire TV - just Apple TV right now. I could be wrong. I suggest submitting your app without the Fire TV/Phone options - unless you want to hire a developer to add the code you need to make it work. Normally when you test on Amazon, it will load up the settings it detects, so you must have ticked/added Fire TV in your options. This is why it's being rejected.
I'm sure @jigglybean is right. Devices like Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, etc doesn't have touch support. Therefore the apps need to work with different types of remote controls (typical one navigates with arrows and press ok). While Android have support for this type of next/previous view/button navigation in their framework, Buildbox games are running a completely different framework on top of that and it's unlikely that they have any connection. It looks like you must explicitly say in your app listing that the app supports Fire TV. You can probably just turn that off. Take a look at the Device Support part at https://developer.amazon.com/public/support/submitting-your-app/tech-docs/submitting-your-app#Add Binary Files .
When I upload an a new apk to Amazon, it defaults to 'not supported' for Fire TV - as its not supported but is supported on Google/Apple TV devices(but I am not using BB). Its just me being a bit lazy to set it all up - but will do soon*(tm!) lol Amazon have changed their submission process over the past couple years so things do change. Its just something to be mindful of.