Its been a while since I participated in the forum since I had to spend time with family after lossing my father-in-law so difficult time for my wife and had to find a way to console her. Anyways glad am back and looking forward to my buildbox quest for glory. I have been playign around with a new game in last 2 days and exported the game to android. then imported it to eclipse but strangly I am having this error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version'). I imported the google-play-services-lib and added it to the project in the android properties but still issue not cleared even after cleaning project. Anyone able to assist since this is the first time I am having this issue since upgrading to buildbox 2.2.7. Thanks
Somethimes i have the same error and to fix it, i delete from eclipse,restart and import it again . be shure you import `android` folder.
Yes done that twice now and imported the android folder but still same issue. One thing though, when i import it does not include the google-play-services-lib so I have to import that separately. is that same with you? When I drill down to the error, i see this bit