End world..to next world?!

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by ssupavegeta, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. ssupavegeta

    ssupavegeta Boxer

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Can someone look at this tree and tell me how to end one world and go on the next world ?? I want at end of each world it goes to next world or a world select screen. everytime i collide with the menu jump logic, it carries me to a scene where my character is stuck..

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  2. ssupavegeta

    ssupavegeta Boxer

    Oct 6, 2015
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    its the same whether I link it or unlink it to world 1 to Game Field

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  3. rcdub

    rcdub Boxer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    If you want it to go straight from one world to the other, you should link the "Menu Jump" of World 1 to the "Load" of World 2. I'm working on a game right now with multiple worlds/levels that's what I did (see pic 1). I haven't configured the other levels yet, but it works for Starter to Level 1.

    If you want a World Select screen, I think you'll need to create a New Scene Screen and name it something like "Main Menu Field". Have this attached to a UI Screen that allows you to select the world to enter. For every world you have, you'll want the Menu Jump logic to be wired up to the Main Menu Field to bring you back to the menu to select the next world (see pic 2).

    Edit: Just noticed you already have a Main Menu Field setup, so you can just attach the "Menu Jump" of your worlds to that Main Menu Field's Load if you want that World Select screen setup.

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