Hey guys! Thanks for checking my thread to even try about helping me. I seen so many people online have the same problem as me and got it fixed in like 1 reply! I came here for help because this is my first game I have built for android and using buildbox! I really want to publish a game and cant get past the eclipse build part. So here is the video. If you know how to fix please let me know! Also check and see if I am doing the steps right! Thank you all TO the person who helps me Ill give you $5 paypal. It isnt much, but all I have Video :
@dwillproductions97 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...und-for-attribute-adsize-in-package-com-googl i usually go to google and stackoverflow with error messages
https://forums.xamarin.com/discussi...chscreenblocksfocus-with-google-play-services Not been using Eclipse for a bit but API target needs to be level 21 might be what you need. @dwillproductions97
Hello, Minute 1:55 http://buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/are-there-any-bb-code-helpers.482/#post-2893 I can help by Teamviewer, or create for you the APK, for ask, PM.
Gotcha! @1:12 I can see you have API for Android 4.4 1. Right Click Game folder properties -> Android Lint -> Ignore all Do the same for Google Play services folder 2. In the problems tab, Where you see error, Just Select the top most error and delete it with Delete button. Do the same for warnings. 3. You need to download API 23 (Marshmellow) [IF THE OTHER 2 DON'T WORK, THIS IS THE ONLY OPTION YOUR HAVE]
Huge shout out to jcalle ! He helped me build the game. The problem was the ad priorities within build box . Take off the priorities if you have this problem