A cool little tech demo i made with destroy-able buildings...trees etc. Not all objects can be destroyed. Was just to show how to make objects destructible and leave behind a damaged building on fire etc. Just take a peek at the bbdoc and see how it is setup. Use this bbdoc however you wish. DOWNLOAD BBDOC HERE NOTE: Buildings have 100 health. Car has 75 health. Trees have 15 health. So if you are trying to destroy them and wonder why they aren't being destroyed, gotta hit buildings 100 times and whatnot.
Fun really isn't something one considers when checking out free templates, but this does put a smile on my face.
Ill be doing both, full games and tech demos. I have SOOOOOO many little tricks that ive come up with that ive seen NO ONE do in BB. So figured ill make tech demos of them. w00t.
Opened fine for me. I redownloaded it from the site and opened it up. You are on latest BB correct? I compiled these games in 2.3.1 so they are NOT compaitble with older BB.
Well, im now wondering if its just YOU or is it corrupted? I re-downloaded the file again and it launched just fine. You know what....a simple reboot of your computer may just do the trick lol. When in doubt, REBOOT. lololol.
Weird that it keeps downloading as a .dmg file and when we rename it to bbdoc it's unable to extract archive