Hello everyone! Just released the iOS version of my first buildbox project. I am working on releasing the Android version within the next week. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cube-saga/id1146287499?ls=1&mt=8 Tap your way through a treacherous road with obstacles all over the place! While avoiding all those dicey obstacles you can collect coins to unlock adorable characters. Please let me know what you think of it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. -If you are trying to play on an iPad the text and icons are all over the place and I have no idea why. If someone knows the solution to this please let me know.
Hi, i downloaded it and i really liked this game. But the problem is that while searching it in apple store i couldn't find your game
@Nihat Muradzade Thank you so much. I am not sure why it will not come up when you search "Cube Saga". Maybe because it was just published an hour ago..
Did you checked it in preview iPad version? Everything is ok there? If no then you should activate stick to the edge for every button.
The game is really good I tried it on my Iphone 5s, and there were no problems except on my Ipad the buttons, and the text were acting a little bit unusual...
@jignesh11192 Thank you, I really appreciate it. @Dimatrix Thank you for the postive feedback . Yes I've seen the issue with the iPad version, not really sure what is causing it.
this has to do with stick to edge and proper sizing using the ipad setting on your preview, but most likely you will find a fix playing with "fit to height" or "fit to width"... maybe all of the above is needed to fix your issue.... have a play with it
I was getting a little worried about it not showing up when I searched it, definitely showing up now for the search about a day after going live.
Fixed the problem thanks to you! I had it set on fit to width so I changed it to fit to height. Thank you!!
Checked App Annie and noticed the game has been featured 153 times. Anybody know if App Annie is reliable?
Yea app annie is pretty reliable. Every app that gets submitted gets a what they call a feature, In their respective category, under new free app. If that star was gold or orange it would mean a main feature on the home page. Or you can can get a feature not on the home page but in what they Call New in respective category . So if some one searches the App Store , category, say arcade at the top it has new,