(Edit:I want to publish my game with a publisher so I removed them from Google Play and App Store.) Hi there, I'm Utku from Lutalica Studio. I would like to show you my first Buildbox game: Color Bloxx. Download Color Bloxx for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/color-bloxx/id1146175911?l=tr&ls=1&mt=8 Download Color Bloxx for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Lutalica.ColorBlox Color Blox is a simple endless game, where you can jump on to the same colored blocks as you are in order to keep moving. If you jump on another colored block, you die. You feedbacks are appreciated. Thank you. Utku
Color Bloxx is now available on App Store too. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/color-bloxx/id1146175911?l=tr&ls=1&mt=8
Yeah, downloads are difficult to get these days. Cool game. Simple and very hard. I noticed a bug in the black and white mode. The score is not showing up in the game over menu. And no leaderboard?
Wow,thank you so much for reporting that.I was kinda focused on the main game and didn't even realize the score bug on the retro mode. I will fix it with and update. There is no leaderboard because whenever I tried to add a leaderboard game chrashed on the Android version. It gave the "game has stopped" window and didn't even open. And I still don't know why. So I release the game without it for now.