Coin Counter Problems

Discussion in 'Gameplay' started by SandboxMaster17, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. SandboxMaster17

    SandboxMaster17 Boxer

    Oct 21, 2016
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    Hey! I have a game that my character needs to collect a curtain amount of coins to win the game. I have a coin counter in my UI set as - all worlds, current amount. When my character finds the bonus world and collects more coins and goes back the the main world you are not able to see the coins collected in the bonus world. I tried changing the count settings to total amount, but when you die and restart the game it shoes the coins collected in the previous game. Is it posable or another way to be able to account for all coins in both worlds that resets at the end of the game?
  2. rohitaneja8

    rohitaneja8 Boxer

    May 26, 2017
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    I was also facing similar kind of issue. Anyone?
  3. McGee Technologies

    McGee Technologies Boxer

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Unfortunately the coins collected in another world can't be carried over to another world. You could try using the UI for both worlds but when the player enters a new world, there's a possibility that it will display coins collected previously as well any collected in that world. Wish you the best of luck with your project. Let us know if you find a solution

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