Hello All, So, for days I have been trying to get my IAP's working through my game and nothing is working. Been wondering if it is a coding issue or does Buildbox have this already in their software? I have added the Store ID under the IAP in the game. I have made sure that the IAP in Xcode is ON. Nothing is working. Keep getting the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store". Do we have to input the StoreKit coding in order for this to work? If so, Where do I learn this? Youtube sucks as I have watched over 20 videos about adding in StoreKit and all have failed. SkPayment coding is not working when I tried it through YouTube. ANY hep would be much appreciated as I am ready to throw my Mac out the window!....lol. Thank You in advance.
On the Buildbox side, you only need to add the Store ID to the Buildbox software. No coding is required at all. The only additional step is to configure iTunesConnect for the IAP. Are you testing on a real device? You have to test on a real device.
Are your IAPs actually live and approved by Apple? You must wait for these to be approved first, otherwise they will not work.
@Andy Yes, I have been testing on a real device before I submit them. @spicedbeangames So, before I can submit the build they must be live first? Thank you, I will try this as I did not do this before. I just submitted the build and put the StoreID's inside the Buildbox game.....lol. "I didn't get it"
So, since I wrote this, I have been having issues still. I keep getting denied from the IAP department. "developer action needed". I have submitted the IAP's with screenshots, checked that the ID's match multiple times, Check the "Buy and Use" box in Buildbox, turned on the capabilities in Xcode, and submitted the binary multiple times. Really getting upset about it, because I know that I have to be missing something Please Help!
My Buildbox game was rejected. because app store expecting a popup for confirm your purchase. They gave a reference image. I attached this in below. http://a1426.phobos.apple.com/us/r3...3=1528631580_2db8372a9f836dbe608d22171453aefb Anybody can help me, How to add this popup message in ios?
This is done automatically when a purchase button is pressed if it's set up correctly. Things you could check: You're using a "Purchase Button" in Buildbox. Your Purchase Button has the correct In-App Purchase ID, as displayed in iTunes/AppStore Connect. You have enabled In-App Purchases "capabilities" in Xcode. You have added your In-App Purchase to your Build page in iTunes/AppStore Connect.
Thanks, @AaroArts. I Followed the steps what u mentioned in the previous thread. But, once I tapped the button it straight away asked the iTunes login without the confirmation alert (shown in the link). That's the reason they mentioned in the mail.
I have uploaded this video. Please check that in below. Its happened on both simulator and device. When I click the No ads button, I suddenly go to sign in to iTunes connect login page. I want to add a confirmation alert.
1) You have to be logged in to use IAP, so if you are not logged in it will ask you to do it. 2) If you are trying to test IAP on the Xcode simulator, well, you can't, Apple does not allow this. (You could many years ago, but not anymore). So you NEED a real device to test them. 3) Also if you are testing, you need to use a test account. Check the IAP docs from Apple on how to properly test.
Apple doesn't allow sandbox IAP to test them before the App is live anymore. So as long as you've implemented it correctly in Buildbox, used the correct App ID's and uploaded the correct metadata in iTunes Connect, they will work once the App is live. Also, be sure to include a Restore button to restore non-consumable IAP.
Thanks AaroArts! Apple guided me to this link - but you say it's not the case?https://developer.apple.com/library....html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH3-SW11
I was under the impression Apple removed the ability to create Sandbox Users in iTunesConnect about 2 years ago. Looking at that link, it looks like you can now create a Test Account somehow. With that said, if everything is correct in Buildbox, everything should work fine. Why are Apple rejecting your IAP? Are you getting any errors in Xcode? Have you asked the Reviewer for more information regarding the rejection?
Both him and me get same error, a box stating "Transaction Error", see below. I think all is done correct, checked the ID's etc. Will do a new build with new ID's and see if its better luck.
After rebuilding the IAP ID and units in both app and Connect it now works. Strange... Can also recommend to do testing in Teatflight app as you can simply do IAP and see all ads without paying a single cent even though using your own Apple ID. No need for Sandbox stuff.
Hello @DMartensson I have the same your issue. I've done what you have write here but the issue still remains. I have regenerated the In-App ID Apple on the App Store Connect and set them in BuildBox, I've rebuild the project in Xcode and sent the app to TestFlight but when I test the purchase it says me again: Transaction Error Cannot connect to iTunes Store. Did I miss something? There is something to do in Xcode? Does the Product ID has to be the same as the Bundle ID? If you could tell me any suggestion it would be great. Thank you for your help