Hey guys. I’ve been reading the all the forums on this and I can't see where anyone has come up with a solution, but wondering if any new developments have been made on this subject- Is there a way to close the app, reopen, press play and continue back to a world in which you reached a check point or menu jumped to- that is beyond the first world or initial starting world? I know I can set buttons for each individual world, but I don’t want to give that option. I want you to just press play and begin on world 6 or wherever you left off. (Trying to create a system like helix jump).
Actually think I just figured this out! In case anyone is trying to accomplish this: I wasn't able to do what I wanted when moving from level to level so I needed to move from world to world with menu jump, but still find a way to automatically save progress like in phases, but again each level menu jumps and goes from world to world instead of moving through levels with checkpoints. You can save progress and automatically load the current world by placing multiple unlock buttons (one for each world) on top of each other in sequential order and give them the same images and de-select "block touch though". Also, create a separate world UI for each individual world and place an unlock observer at the top of each world for that worlds button. Now when I die on world 6, close the app, reopen and press play it loads up world 6!
Wow, that's a clever solution to this! Perhaps you'd like to add the need to have a level save across worlds to the list of design features for new releases.
Hello ThomasC can you explain one more time how you did it with screenshots please ? Much appreciated, been struggling with this for a long time. Thank you in advance.