Character will only travel a set distance BB 1.3.5

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by JustWatchApps, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. JustWatchApps

    JustWatchApps Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I am losing my mind today - second weird event for me.

    My character will only travel a set distance and then stops - 'dies' actually, as it goes to the game over screen.

    As a test, I set all the game frame to pass; duplicated one scene over and over to be sure there was no hidden 'death maker'; and I set the Back and Side Del Thresholds larger and larger. None of these had any effect. 31/2 scenes in (regardless of which scenes I use,) the character still dies.

    Should I just have a beer and call it a day? Thanks
  2. jigglybean

    jigglybean Avid Boxer

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Sometimes restarting fresh helps(reboot computer and BB).

    I had a character die on an object despite not even touching it. I deleted the object, character still died. Turned on debug - nothing to see here - and just gave up for the night. The next day, everything was ok!

    Having said that, the default game play options could part of this.
    JustWatchApps likes this.

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