Character Advanced Move Issue (pivot Duel)

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Egehan, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. Egehan

    Egehan Boxer

    Nov 7, 2018
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    Hello everyone I am experiencing a problem with pivot duel mechanics.

    In the template, movement is constant once it started, it moves left or right with a switch mechanic.

    I want to use another mechanic, I want characters to move right when I continue clicking the right side of the screen and to move left when I continue clicking the left side of the screen. I also need them to stop when I don't click anywhere.

    In order to do this I deleted the switch system. Added 2 invisible character buttons on the both sides of the screen. And changed advanced moves so that they move to the sides I am clicking.

    I also added 2 more advanced moves to same buttons, but this time the movements are activated when I stop clicking the buttons. (This is my stop mechanic) Movement is zero

    Clicking and moving the character is okay, when I stop clicking it also stops. BUT the problem starts there I can not continue movement with same button. (If I press left character moves left, if I stop clicking it stops, if I press right it moves right, if I remove my hand it stops. But after the character stopped I have to click the opposite direction or nothing happens.) I can not rotate left and stop and then continue moving left. This just doesn't work.

    Any idea how to overcome this.

    This would be very helpfull.

    Thank you in advance
  2. Frederik

    Frederik Boxer

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I have attached zip (renamed bbdoc) with two button movement. Use two advanced moves, not four.

    Attached Files:

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  3. Egehan

    Egehan Boxer

    Nov 7, 2018
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    Thank you for the reply, but I can not seem to open the file. Can you help me open the zipped file in buildbox? Should I unzip it or change the .zip to .bbdoc I tried that but it gave an alert saying file might be created with a newer version of buildbox.

    Thank you again.
  4. Frederik

    Frederik Boxer

    Oct 2, 2018
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  5. Egehan

    Egehan Boxer

    Nov 7, 2018
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    Thank you for the 2.3.7 version :)

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