Perhaps a rookie question here but my bullets are going through the platforms!? Here is an example Video And here are my settings for Platforms Bullets I am pretty sure this is just a settings thing but I have tried everything... I think ... Appreciate the help
I think you can set your walls to have a health attribute under 'objects' and set the health to infinite (99999999) then they should absorb the bullets.
Actually I've tried that... see the settings below but I can only add life to the actual Object settings.
ok so what I've done is created an object with enemy properties to fit inside the wall. I turn the opacity to 0 so it can't be seen. I also dont make it large enough to bypass the borders of the actual wall because it would kill the character. Then you would give the dummy enemy object infinite health and at least one damage property. Problem solved!
or you can put a logic transform piece along the wall that affects your bullets and change their position to off screen