hello there. i've downloaded the latesst version of the buildbox but still there is not 64-bit apk output. here are some screenshots from inside the android studio. as you can see in picture 11 and 12 abifilter does nothing! but as seen in picture 21 and 22 it only works for armeabi-v7. this problems is caused because of lack of 64-bit apk support from buildbox3 side. when are we going to get an update for exporting 64bit apk from buildbox 3?
seriously? i contacted buildbox support and miko told me that it hasn't been implemented yet :| can you please give me the link for that build?
*macOS*: http://download.buildbox.com/buildb...0.1-3139_9d9a5d497e153fb8a2a12e9daf95206f.zip *Windows*: http://download.buildbox.com/buildb...0.1-3139_3a8a2119b6dff37ec3c24210c858410b.exe Added 64 bit support for Android Added checkpoints / load checkpoint nodes Now you can add bbassets in UI That is so far of what I noticed in this build. Still, I think you need to backup bbdoc files before you use this version.
can i have your email ? i'm looking forward on getting in touch with another boxer who has an idea on what he is doing and i'd really appreciate it if you accept this request sensei
OMG what happen to the touch move node? the one I had does not work with this version, tried to ad a new one and its different, can't get it to work...
this version is like THE MOST BETA and many functionalities like screen to world don't work, guess we just have to wait for a more stable version.