Buildbox Game Analytics (problem)

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by scripter-S, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. scripter-S

    scripter-S Boxer

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Hello guys! I need your help! Relating the implementation of the GameAnalytics SDK! (android/ android studio)
    So I've been kinda able to implement and see the active sessions in the Game Analytics dashboard however I also need to implement ,,Progression Events Integration" like:
    -progressionStatus: start, complete, fail
    -progression01: level001, level002, etc.

    and I don't know how to track specific events like buttons taps, specific worlds or ui's the users are in, which would be ideal...
    From what I've heard that's because BB doesn't have a proper Event Handling system ( it has no method of knowing you clicked anything ) and I've wanted to know if BB added this feature or if there exists a ,,hacky" way to do it (that works)...
    This is something I need to keep track of my games and understand user behavior.

    Thank you alot for the help!

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