Buildbox Can't Apply These Two Conditions...

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by nayamamarshe, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. nayamamarshe

    nayamamarshe Avid Boxer

    Feb 21, 2016
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    If we set a character's health to 10 and have an invincibility powerup in our game, the 2 conditions overlap.
    So, you play the game. Your health is 10. You hit an enemy, Your health is 9. You hit other 2, it now becomes 7.

    Suddenly, you see a powerup you take it. You keep going eating up enemies, and finally the powerup is over.

    THEORETICALLY, you should still have 7 health left. But it isn't. PRACTICALLY, You hit an enemy after that, you die instantly.
    @Andy Please look into this issue.

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