Buildbox 3 Suggestions

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by Coyowl, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Benfont

    Benfont Avid Boxer

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Ok so I apologize if someone has requested this features already, but here I go:

    1) I would like to see a format copier (something similar to what MS Excel has) to copy the values of an asset to another.
    I.E copy the size, position and opacity from an object to another.

    2) Mass selection of items like in other programs. (while pressing CTRL or CMD click on the items you want to select and select them all to then delete or move them or etc) or maybe selecting them all with the pointer to work with them.

    3) being able to open more than one project at the time: sometimes I want to open my old projects to see how I did something in them to implement that into my new project. So I have to take screenshots and that is very annoying.

    4) the option of automatically backup my projects. I.E: to have a specific folder in my computer where my project gets backed every x minutes. Sometimes I have lost lot of progress in my work due to BB crashing.

    5) The ability of adding multiple backgrounds to the same world

    6) Actions that are applied to one character only - very useful when having multiple characters in the game

    7) the ability of having an animated START screen - I would like to add a moving logo in the splash screen of my games and nowadays that is not possible with BB
    Forgot to add:
    8) being able to keep my game running in the background at the game over (like crossy road does)
  2. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @Andy @TreySmith As fas as our publishing experience with top publishers, Would surely let know that some of the basic features are must important in buildbox as follows

    1) Achievements functionalities to analyze (must important)
    2) Spin the wheel feature to collect prizes
    3) Integration of everplay feature to keep recordings and share to keep player engaged like all other top publishers do
    4) Currently BB supports only single leaderboard feature, there should be an option of multiple leaderboards
    5) One more important possibility, it should support multi-language within the game (the is what apple prefers when looking towards featuring game)

    and there are lot's more that will come to know as far as we come across. Thanks and it would be good if we see such features in BB editor. Yes we can definitely understand it can't happen all at a time, but yes maybe step over slowly. Currently BB is really a great tool so far we have seen in terms of interface, gameplay templates but still I think so something is missing to make it a top notch game, if this stuffs and also many more others (if I forgot to mention here) are included, it would head over towards a great break banging awesome tool, trust me
    ThinkSimple, harislatif and happydays like this.
  3. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Feedback is all great guys. Just to close loop on much of this stuff before the weekend.

    I can't give you an exact date, but the following is coming in 2.3, most of this has been talked about already at various times:
    Completely rewritten models (internal structures)
    Optimization of data loading
    More stable copy/paste/undo/redo
    Multiple select
    Better snap-grid options in the editor
    Multi-language options (2.3.1+)
    Updated 3rd party advertising support (2.3.1+)
    And more!

    The vast majority of this is 95% done. We're working on testing and killing major issues. The monthly release schedule has taken a hit, yes. But 2.3 is super important for us to get out into your hands. It addresses so many things that customers have been reporting and asking for. And the 2.2.9 release will be the last 2.2.x release. So it's got the be solid as well. The BETA that was posted is really good and almost there. I'm not going to release something that I know is not ready.

    For Buildbox 3 you need to keep an eye on Trey, email, facebook, blog, etc... It's not really appropriate for me to say what will be in there. My focus is Buildbox 2.

    Use regular object as decorations if you want to do this. Background objects are per world and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

    The Start UI has to be static... this is where your launch images are made. This is required for mobile. But you can already do this anyway, just us a regular UI after the start UI and do your stuff in there. You'll have to use a button to continue after or have a dummy world underneath that is timed just right to move you along to the next UI.
    Coyowl likes this.
  4. Lamora

    Lamora Avid Boxer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I think point and click movement, can open doors to lot types of game
    Or so You can draw a path for character first and then character will go this path would be totally awesome
    harislatif likes this.
  5. 5petersonzachary

    5petersonzachary Serious Boxer

    Jan 23, 2016
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    @Andy but how do other games have animated loading screens?
  6. ramiucef

    ramiucef Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I don't want to be that guy how keep asking, but when do we really going to get Buildbox 2.2.9 update ( not the beta ) ?
  7. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Essentially the same way, they wait for the loading screens to be done.
  8. 5petersonzachary

    5petersonzachary Serious Boxer

    Jan 23, 2016
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    Ok, thanks
  9. Insanity

    Insanity Boxer

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Customisable keys for interaction with the UI + recordable macros that are assignable to keys for custom interactions. For example, at the moment I'm having to use X-mouse so that I can use Middle Click as my pan button instead of Space+LMB as this is something I'm VERY used to doing in most other UIs
  10. colette_levesque

    colette_levesque Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    For offline usage and avoiding piracy, maybe we could download an authenticator app that prompts us when we log into Buildbox. I still have my authenticator from Blizzard. It would be cool to be able to order a Buildbox one that's got the orange logo wrapped around it!
    Insanity likes this.
  11. Insanity

    Insanity Boxer

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Angry bird style character catapult trigger with directional aiming arrow and force!!
    Lamora and playsgames6666 like this.
  12. Bilz636

    Bilz636 Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I think there are few things that already missing in Bb1 and bb2

    Sound/Audio management System
    • Ability to control audio file volumes
    • Sound mixer smilier that you guys released in Buildbox Master Collection
    • Stop/change sound ingame play.
    • .ogg file extension supported or any which reduce file size

    Others but important
    • Duplicate Worlds with different assets (currently you can duplicate it but cant replace assets with new one if you do it will replace default assets).
    • Spawn action/object when specific object death.
    • Give some physic properties to actions like Sonic
    • Ability to change game orientation from portrait to landscape or landscape to portrait when character pick or enable action.
    • add more possible properties to the object and action.
    • Add special scene or world called "The boss" where character must have to achieve the task to go next lvl or world. (assign task to character to achieve to go next).
    • add game present like angry birds, smash hit, we boxers have awesome idea to make it better :p

    And the very important, Deliver what you advertise. Do not release broken, buggy shit
  13. jerry

    jerry Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    +1 on changing audio volume
    ThinkSimple, comicsmathias and Nihat like this.
  14. HowToMake

    HowToMake Avid Boxer

    Mar 6, 2017
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    @Andy Please reply my question,İn BuildBox 3.0 or in BuildBox 4.0 wi be Real Time Multiplayer game support? (Online) basic
  15. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    @HowToMake I don't see any other posts from you in this thread. I don't really have a comment on this, there is nothing finalized regarding RT Multiplayer.
  16. 5petersonzachary

    5petersonzachary Serious Boxer

    Jan 23, 2016
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    Ooh multiplayer would be cool
  17. HowToMake

    HowToMake Avid Boxer

    Mar 6, 2017
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    But,I think Multiplayer support will be cool too
  18. Kill DM

    Kill DM Boxer

    Jan 31, 2017
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    1) Video Reward
    2) "Daily Reward System" to help keep people coming back every day to play our games.
    3) “Inventory System", so that people can only use what they collect in a game? Example: you can only shoot as many bullets as you collect in the game.
    4) The ability to charge players X amount of coins at the start of each game. This way players have to collect coins in the game or purchase coins in the "App Store". Example: Must have a minimum of 10 coins for each time you play game.
    5) The ability to Double Assign "Keys" on "Keyboard Controls" (Example: "Right Arrow Key" can move character "Right" and "Jump" Character at the same time) To help simulate unchecking "Block Touch Through"
    6) Off-line mode
    7) Facebook
    8) Trophy Room, To show you made it at the end of the level and collected a trophy.
    9) App to test BB Games Easily.
    10) Ability to Use "connect mode" to link "Path Logic" To enemies.
    11) Control “Two Or More Characters" at once, independently from each other.
    ThinkSimple likes this.
  19. manojbagri199

    manojbagri199 Avid Boxer

    May 6, 2016
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    After a long 2 year break I think you guys @TreySmith @Andy sohuld provide us buildbox 3 with ability to create games like clash of clans and candy crush with all featurs not like some basic features.
    Just kidding.;)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2017
  20. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    I don't think so!

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