Hi there creators, We’re here with the Buildbox 3 Version 3.4.8! We have fixed several issues and are planning more updates as well at a quicker rate. Release Notes: -Resolved a crash bug when right-clicking UI Screen objects and changing their layering -UI Screen objects can be reordered in the outliner as expected -The Link File button at the bottom JavaScript nodes once again works as expected -The Undo Action (Ctrl-Z) no longer requires multiple activations to undo several complex actions -Grouped Nodes connect properly to other Nodes -Grouped Event Nodes properly update connections on the Mind Map -Sub Scene Textures no longer get unexpectedly duplicated -Cut (Ctrl-X) objects can be pasted (Ctrl-V) back into the Scene -Double-Clicking on a JavaScript Node opens up the code editor -Resolved issue where COPPA popup improperly interfered with export process As always, ensure making backups of your BBDOC before updating to a newer build. Also, any bugs you find, please shoot it over with details to support@buildbox.com. macOS: https://releases.buildbox.com/build...4.8-5520_cf41a1e3a2f1eb03fcd269a9cf81fb44.zip Windows: https://releases.buildbox.com/build...4.8-5520_1a89ed9fc4563951cd9df4a55b020b69.exe
Thanks, but why is action button in buildbox 3 missing? I can't find it, I want to give free coins when users choose the right answer in a trivia game, any help?
I think you should use Add Point node from Action nodes If you are doing something in B3 then you must forget B2. Many things are done in a different way. In B3 in the UI screen you need to add the Default font and set it to Score, All, Coins, Total (eg.) In B3 you have to import the object and position it where you need it. Open the node map for the object and connect Touch to Start and Add Coin or Point node to it. In the animation node you can set the opacity to 0 and you will have what you need.
Oh ok thanks a lot, I was really confused, I haven't learned how to use Buildbox 3 yet, I am always on BB2, I think I will watch a lot of tutorials first.
Hi. Test ad through Adbox crashes sound in game. Cannot release game before this is fixed. We don´t know if it is the test ad (coin toss) that is doing this or if it will be affected by all ads. When test ad is started (interstitial) the sound makes a bump sound and after that sound is gone in the game.
@Sean Buildbox could you please ask the dev team to release buildbox classic updated with latest SDK's, it been very long that the BB2/BB Classic had an update
@Sean Buildbox If you guys are keeping the BB Classic just for sake of it, Please open source it, community will take care of what you cannot
There is a Buildbox Classic update in the works currently. I do not know that I would expect all SDKs to be updated however
When will be the adbox sdk come in buildbox classic? I was thinking to upgrade my plan but for now i don't think it's worth it because in plus plan we can't use custom ads and we also don't have adbox ads to use? we need adbox ads in buildbox classic in next.
It seems to me that in BClassic in Advertisements you have a lot of opportunities to monetize your games. And believe me, this is the best feature Buildbox has ever offered.
@Sean Buildbox when are you guys releasing the buildbox classic update, last update was very long ago
It is still in process. We have not forgotten about it and there will be some fun new features. We should have announcements soon
@Sean Buildbox Please ask your team to release the bb2 with latest gradle and android 13 support, we are waiting for so long for the release
Do you know how long we have been waiting for the update?. Are you guys really interested in developing Buildbox classic ?. If not please remove it from the site. But please don't do time-pass.
Don't hope for too much. If there is an update at all, only small things will be changed for Google Play or Apple. Updates have been canceled several times or discontinued according to support. Try to get along with buildbox 3 or switch to the competition like some others. Even appsir doesn't use buildbox anymore.
WOW fun new features ?! I hope the sdks updates is not considered as a fun new feature . Any chance we get a hint of what u guys planned for the update? Thanks