Buildbox 3 - 2d Implementation

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by Christoph, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I can answer 1 and 4 for you.
    Beta 4 has been released and the final release is currently planned and on track to be released before the end of the year. However, we will not be releasing another Beta version so if it's not ready then it will be delayed.
  2. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Thank you for this information.
    That’s what I was looking to clarify.
  3. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Soooo what your saying is there will be no point in moving over bb2 projects to bb3, because the main reason people wanted to do so was to utilize the new node features in their already started projects lol
    wesam_badr likes this.
  4. SAvas

    SAvas Boxer

    Jun 12, 2018
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    thank you for the answer. But in beta 4 have advertising, level lock system, leaderboard features? you haven't responded
  5. wesam_badr

    wesam_badr Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 10, 2015
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    In that case there’s no point of opening bb2 files with bb3 all our bb2 files to garbage that what you are saying, as the reason for asking about this is to make our old files use the new feautures of bb3 and take it to the next level, I have many games with game idea that I was waiting for bb3 to fix it that all my plans went to veins.

    I really want bb dev team to reconsider this and come up with better solutions as this Is unacceptable. And thank you.
    Christoph likes this.
  6. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    If people thought they would be able to open old BB2 files in BB3 and nodes would automatically replace their old code then I think people were really dreaming. This is a super complicated thing to accomplish, especially considering all the hacks and work arounds developers have done. I guarantee you that developers would be screaming like crazy when their old BB2 file was filled with bugs because BB3 tried to incorporate its own methods into your game. It just isn't possible and would cause more harm to peoples games than good.
    The fact of life is that if you want your BB2 game to use the BB3 nodes than a rewrite is necessary, which makes total sense to me. I mean come on guys, as a developer yourself, can you imagine trying to deal with the hundreds of different work arounds each developer may have done to accomplish things within his game, trying to decode that and make each instance work for BB3 is just not possible and is a recipe for unhappy customers.
    Buildbox likes this.
  7. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    lol and liked by 'Buildbox'.

    The only reason we customers 'dreamed' about being able to open bbdoc from Buildbox 2 in Buildbox 3 is because the Buildobx Team including TREY SMITH repeated about a 1000 times that this will be possible. I never believed it tbh but it's one more lie they tried to make us believe in.

    Welcome to 101 of Buildbox marketing! This is how it has been and always will be. Empty promises that never get full-filled. Sometimes I believe that Trey Smith doesn't use his own software. Because ...

    I think that he [Trey Smith] himself actually believed that lol ... one of many times he was obviously dreaming. :)

    I find it in the mean time so ridiculous that I just can laugh. But deep down we all know it's really really sad and frustrating. I hope that one day someone else comes up and puts a similar product that is as easy to use in the market. I would be the first to abandon ship.
  8. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Ok. I wasn't aware that it was stated BB2 games would be capable of being imported in that fashion.
  9. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    haha yeah, but it's funny. really. Because what you say makes completely sense. Why would it be possible, right?

    Instead of building a 'simulator' that makes it possible to open old bbdocs they should rather focus on other stuff. If there is no access to nodes or other features then what sense does it make anyway?
  10. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well the way I understand it is that you would be able to create new 2D games using nodes. I think there are still a lot of people wanting to create fro 2D so it is a good idea and mirrors other engines capabilities. I'm sure it will get used.
  11. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    No don't get me wrong, the 2D feature in Buildbox 3 is great and definitely will be used a lot. I know I'll use it. The problem is that it doesn't make sense to import a bbdoc from Buildbox 2 if you can't add anything new to it anyway. You could just open it in Buildbox 2 and it probably will even work better (with less compatibility issues). No need to open it in BB3 if you can't make use of the new features.
  12. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hi, when is the final release of buildbox 3? because I can't wait to use my old bb2 in bb3
  13. Larry Pendleton

    Larry Pendleton Boxer

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Just my 2 cents but after reading this (note what's in bold):
    I myself would much rather have 2 separate engines, to support 2D and 3D. It just seems pointless to incorporate the same BB2 as a "legacy" engine inside of a 3D engine. Keeping them separate, I feel it would minimize bugs and allow both engines to run more efficient because they are not bloated inside of each other.

    I also feel it would be easier to maintain, as I feel Nik could focus on specific features and bug fixes separately, and not have to worry about introducing new bugs that could affect either 2D vs. 3D.

    I have already dealt with this, with Unity, and the main reason I came to Buildbox, it because it does not try to "over-complicate" the software like Unity does. I really feel cramming all this in one, will just open up a whole new can of worms.

    I'll keep building in 2.3.7, even though I know support for it will stop someday, which is a bummer imo.

  14. wayne_martell

    wayne_martell Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    To me it's a big mistake abandoning BB2 it's one of the best 2D games builders out there anyone can made a game with it. Just call it BB2D and keep it separate from BB3D why wreck a good product by trying to merge it into another. Then you can focus on the 3D and get the bugs and features fixed and that would be a quicker path to finishing BB3D. Just my 2cents

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