Buildbox 3.2.1 Beta

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Sean Buildbox, Apr 19, 2020.

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  1. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Hi There Boxers! :) We have a new update and are ready to share the BETA with you. There's a few crucial bug fixes along with some other good stuff.

    Also as is with any Beta release please ensure making a backup of any important projects prior to opening and saving them in the new build.

    If you find any bugs or issues please send them into with all pertinent details ASAP so we can get them documented and corrected. Drumroll.....below are the links:




    Change Log:
    added: fbx default blending disabled for alpha texture
    added: [JSAPI] currentLevelName
    added: [JSAPI] name for components
    added: [JSAPI] setColor and meshComponents for sub scenes
    added: Shift key for Camera Fly mode inside editor
    added: SetSceneSpeed node
    added: ModifyTimer node
    added: new Timer node
    added: SetVisible nodefixed: issue with semi-transparent 3D editor
    fixed: issue when dialog asking to save changes was appearing twice
    fixed: Issue with remove ads banner
    fixed: Crash during cross connect of Load and UI slots for two Worlds.
    fixed: Memory leak across the whole app
    fixed: Physics TimeStep attribute calculation
    fixed: Visibility checkbox
    fixed: UI asset sizes
    fixed: Advanced Platfomrmer Brainbox
    fixed: crash related to deleted World
    fixed: iOS rewarded videos not playing music on completion
    fixed: AdMob isRewardedVideoAvailable call for iOS
    fixed: mirrored texture for non infinite ground
    fixed: some cases of BB2 conversion
    fixed: RotateTowards retarget
    fixed: [Android] Fixed default handling of onKeyUp
    fixed: TouchPath and PathMove nodes
    fixed: fbx brainbox connect subscene import window
    fixed: sprite alpha toggle
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