Buildbox 3.0 Beta4

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by NikRudenko, Nov 30, 2018.

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  1. SAvas

    SAvas Boxer

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Hello there. I couldn't see the space to add our ad IDs. not included in beta 4 ad feature?
  2. SpoonCrysis

    SpoonCrysis Avid Boxer

    Aug 10, 2018
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    I can't wait to update my apps with health bars in 3.0 I have already started to recreated my apps in 3.0 I wonder if buildbox will make it easy for people to convert there 2.0 projects to 3.0?
  3. SpoonCrysis

    SpoonCrysis Avid Boxer

    Aug 10, 2018
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    thats because unity is like starting from scratch where is BB does most of the work for you.
  4. SpoonCrysis

    SpoonCrysis Avid Boxer

    Aug 10, 2018
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    Does any one know how to create tap to destroy game on the new buildbox 3 now with custom nodes?
  5. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    That is definitely true for me but I don't know how to code. I'm more the visual artist. But I know several coders including ex boxers who rock a high quality game in Unity in less time than I can do the same game with half the features in Buildbox. When you know how to code then you are blazingly fast in Unity. Maybe you are not a good coder which is why Buildbox makes it easier for you to work in a more efficient way? I do get laughed on from c# developers when I tell them what I have to do to get certain stuff to work in Buildbox. All the time. The funny thing, even coders who just started and definitely can't be considered professionals are much of the time faster and more efficient than I am with Buildbox.

    I just wished that I knew to code or that it would be easier to learn. But my brain simply says no. Hence as well the fear that Buildbox 3 will be heavy with coding. That would for me personally defeat the entire idea of using the engine and basically I would stay with Buildbox 2.
  6. SpoonCrysis

    SpoonCrysis Avid Boxer

    Aug 10, 2018
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    exactly it, even though some of us are developers that would love to code the whole thing the way we like it, Time is an issue, if your wanting to make it big in the app store and make that killer game that every one wants to download, then its all about trends and timing if it takes you 5 to 6 months to make a game and suddenly no one wants to play your kind of game because your 5 or 6 months too late when they wanted to at the time, then you have lost the opportunity. The quicker you can make a game the better it is if you want to sell your game, buildbox is that solution, because you can make a quality game that looks like it took months to make in only a tenth of the time, which is what we all want from a business point of view.
  7. Tom King

    Tom King Boxer

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Christoph, I see you as the target demographic that Buildbox should be striving to accommodate. I am a new user (about 2 weeks) and found the automation of common & tedious elements like enemies, bullets, scoring, monetization etc. to be BBox's strongest USP. I can code pretty well, and am much more of a technical user than a creative one, but the need to virtually start from scratch in most engines can be a big motivation killer. Being able to "bash out a quick idea" and then to be able take it to a shippable quality app in under a month? This is the core premise that drew me to Buildbox. I hope the Dev Team remains focused on the strong conceptual bones of BBox 2, and doesn't get lost in the almost infinitely large task of creating a 3D platform. I feel sure that maintaining an achievable, consistent & well thought out scope for Buildbox 3 will be "do or die" for the Buildbox brand. Buildbox 3 will never be a Unity or Unreal, and I don't think anyone wants it to be. Hopefully they are now working on transferring the philosophical heart of Buildbox 2 into Buildbox 3 & keeping it solid & user friendly, not adding every cool idea that they think of and tacking it on.

    Sorry for the long post, I still have the utmost confidence in the Buildbox team, and high hopes for the future of this innovative product.
  8. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    No one has anything to fear. This was the last phase of the beta and now things will start getting easier for everyone to use. To our old customers, I want to assure you that, yes, not everyone knows how to code but linking nodes together is even easier than finding a workaround to solve a problem. My workarounds quote often used points, this meant that I had to choose which work around that I wanted to use. Linking Nodes instead makes this so much easier and far fewer limitations.

    I will repeat this, Beta 4 was the last phase of the Beta, everything will begin getting easier from here on out.
  9. VectologyGames

    VectologyGames Serious Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Why release beta 4? Why this timeline? Why back yourself into a corner? Make it easy day one! All this reassuring the base with "this is just the beta, things will get easier later" makes us worry that the Buildbox team is going down the wrong path. This Beta is unusable by anyone who came from Buildbox 2.0.

    How are we supposed to test how well the engine works without the tools needed to produce a game?
    What do you guys not understand? You need to SHOW us that everything will be ok, not just tell us all the good stuff is coming in the future.
  10. tributorock

    tributorock Avid Boxer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I repeat. If today i have the SAME bb2 just in 3D with progress bar it was Good to start. And after months new things could be added, but now we just have e beta that we canoot use to make a final commerial product for publishers.
  11. VectologyGames

    VectologyGames Serious Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    The big question is, why did the Buildbox team not see this coming? We can't make anything...
    MAC420 and Rebel Studios like this.
  12. Gamer

    Gamer Boxer

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Nice work Nik and whole team.
  13. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Buildbox 3 is not that solution at the moment lol.
  14. Jollydo

    Jollydo Boxer

    Aug 21, 2017
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    Question about Progression.bbdoc: how do i add the Progression object to the World UI? I get the following error "Scene objects cannot be added into UIs".

    I know how to export the Progression asset so i can use it in my own games. But right now i cannot add it into the World UI? Did the team a hack for this game?

    Please help?
  15. Steddyman

    Steddyman Boxer

    Sep 3, 2018
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    Can I get an answer to my specific question of where the Cooldown option is now located please?

    You have it listed as a specific feature in this release and yet it doesn't seem to exist in the GUI. Is this something you can quickly fix because it is a deal breaker for 90% of games.
  16. AlbertSherman

    AlbertSherman Boxer

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Hi @NikRudenko, for my game I need the progression/infinite level management implementation. Now I can't only choose between infinite or aligned, affecting the whole game instead of individual worlds. It's essential to me, my game contains infinite modes but also designed levels. I can only test them one by one.
  17. chrissy_wissy2

    chrissy_wissy2 Avid Boxer

    Oct 21, 2015
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    try exporting the 'progression node' from the progression template and you can drag and drop it from your local PC to the UI
  18. Jollydo

    Jollydo Boxer

    Aug 21, 2017
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    Thanks @chrissy_wissy2 Never knew we can drop exported items into the UI now. Great :)
  19. Vlad Kulikov

    Vlad Kulikov Boxer

    Nov 28, 2018
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    So the next release will be stable and ready to use and compiling?
  20. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well Christoph, I make my living coding, my employer obviously thinks I am a good coder. As for someone creating faster in Unity then in Buildbox, I personally don't believe someone is creating a game in Unity faster than I am in Buildbox. Words are easy. The real test is put 2 people side by side, one on Unity one on BB, and ask them to create the same game from scratch. I'm placing my bet on the BB user.
    Sure there are some Unity gurus out there that can make me lose my bet, but the average Unity user will not create something faster than a BB user. Thats my opinion anyway.
    Now I am far from being a Unity guru, and I find it a bit cumbersome when it comes to creating hyper-casual games. If I want to create a FPS or RPG then Unity is perfect and is a great engine, but hyper-casual games in Unity is a lot of work compared to Buildbox. Again, just my opinion.
    If you want to question my coding skills in this forum than by all means feel free. I'm not real sure how your discussion ended up focusing on my abilities, but thankfully you don't sign my paycheck every week.
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