Why you so heavily rely only on your needs? There are many devs with absolutely different strategies. If you launch a game only if it is 100% polished then it does not mean others have to do the same. For instance, Voodoo signs deals for not polished games and these games generate much money. You are not alone on earth.
When did I state it was only for my needs or suggest I'm the only person on earth? Also, I think you need to take another look at Voodoo's portfolio. Of course this is just my initial thoughts, but people have been complaining so long about missing features in this engine, and now we have the chance to add them, so why push for ad integration when that can be added once a game is finalised and ready to pitch/release/test? But if some of you have unique enough games, worthy of a voodoo deal or similar, then I stand corrected. My bad.
@AaroArts Do you represent there a group of people? I see that you represent your point of view and your needs. Me and @MattWills asked about Ads Integration feature. Because it's ours business needs. Then you posted a question and received an answer. But then you posted this: "It just seems strange to focus on monetisation before creating a polished game". What's wrong, man? Please, don't impugn others' way of making games. For a certain cohort of developers it's ok to focus on monetization before creating a polished game. Some prototypes are made in a week or two and needed to be tested. Also, who pushed ads integration? We just asked about it without any pushing.
@justforward it is fine pushing out a prototype/ game concept for testing even with monetization implemented, but where does that actually get you with any publisher, if the engine doesn't have the features to further develop or polish the game. Aaroarts does have a valid point as so do you but everybody's expectations and needs of what they want from the engine is going to be different. it is a this is what you could have had to the publisher, but a sorry the engine isn't developed enough to be able to complete/polish/or otherwise business or not i cannot see how that could make sense but if someone has a worthy game then good luck to them, it is after all only beta and sometimes that gets forgotten, personnally is not commercially ready and when it is it will come out of beta in to release, BB3 will evolve either very quickly or at a good pace, the update released today has a lot of updates and fixes, publishers will change what they want as implementation it has a long way to go yet but it will get there for sure.
@Vlad-NY I know what to do without your useless advice. I pay for BB product over 3 years every month. And I have the right to know about ads integration and vote for integrating ads in Beta 3. What I don't like is when somebody doesn't take into account others needs and start pushing only his/her things. I DIDN'T push anything, I just asked. But I faced some very unkind words in this connection from another forum member. @Vlad-NY take care about yourself at first, you are nobody for me to point me what to do.
I think this has escalated in the wrong direction. I simply expressed an opinion, as did you @justforward. Then you started questioning me, so I responded with reasoning behind my view. Nothing said was intended to be unkind. If you’ve got an awesome game, I wish you luck and can’t wait to play it.
Thanks for clarification. I just want all the things to be transparent and fair. So, we need to take into account all devs needs and vote for that. I hope @NikRudenko will make a kinda survey for most needed features. Priority list based on the survey would be awesome.
The little helper window is a nice touch. It's starting to look like a professional game engine. Keep it up.
I don't understand why some friends are bothering us because we want the ad feature. The ad feature should also be tested in a beta version like all other features. If there are problems, it should be corrected. What does it mean if the ad feature will not work properly? I guess they didn't explain why the ad feature on BB 3 Beta didn't. When will the ad feature be added? And I have a different question. If BB 3 will not support FBX, how do we do animations? Running, jumping, attack animations can be done in .obj format? I'm asking because I don't know that. Thanks
hi, Nik can i use path only visual, like this game https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/twisty-road/id1315683948?mt=8 and controll character to follow path for do not die
Well done my friend well done... It is clear that you have no idea on what a BETA product means/should offer and how they should prioritise the development, but instead you are pushing and blaming and questioning for your own interest. Let me be clear once at for all, you are paying monthly for BB2 and not BB3 (this is a bonus) a strategy for them to cover as much bugs as possible (for free) before releasing the final product. I don't share the same feeling about you, I just want to raise this community in a good way and see productive results for current consumers. PS: if you did not spent that amount of money every month and you spend it once, you could be one of the master's collections owners that have BuildBox engine for free now. So think before you throw mud around again, end of discussion! I don't want to be part of a conflict anymore I was just sharing an honest opinion about their product.
1) give the exact quote where I pushed Ad integration? all I did was asking. I have the right for that and you can't point me what I am able to ask. 2) I pay for BB2 and BB3. If you state the opposite then provide valid official proof. 3) "I just want to raise this community in a good way and see productive results for current consumers." - if this is valid then we have to be polite and take into account all devs needs and opinion. 4) When I started to pay for BB, I didn't know how long I gonna pay. I didn't touch you at all. You started offensive pitch regarding me. I think everybody is able to have his/her word regarding the software development roadmap. And I really can't understand why you are trying to give me advice what I have to do. It's not relevant, man.
@NikRudenko In near future will be possible to add this king of shader for BB3 https://twitter.com/SensoriumGame/status/1050579317904814080
@NikRudenko whats the use of the timeline in the scene editor are we going to be able to animate objects inside the game that would be cool if you mixed all the master collection inside BB like manu
I started a poll thread about 2 or 3 weeks ago. https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/what-should-be-the-focus-of-bb3.14030/
Guys, It is possible to add Banner and Interstitial Ad from XCode level. Takes some time but possible.
Hi Is menu jump working in this version of beta ? And are there set checkpoints , next checkpoint and restart checkpoints features added ?
I will try to write a post on how to show Ad Banner and Ad Interstation with the custom option for HeyzapAds. .