Hello Everyone. Here is new Beta3 update for Buildbox3. This is a HUGE update for BB3. We fixed TONS of hardware issues. Mostly related to Windows or Intel Integrated Video cards. We added Android Export, improved performance and we finally finished `Stick To Path` feature. Also bunch of iOS issues also fixed, like performance degradation, not saved score and bunch of other small issues. Our next focus will be Buildbox 2.3.x and bring old good warm 2D native support to Buildbox 3 MAC: http://download.buildbox.com/buildb...0.0-2300_ce20d77d22c0ed7cd7989bbd283b93e0.zip WIN: http://download.buildbox.com/buildb...0.0-2301_62fc1b3a416deca5a0ebdeea8b2b8082.exe Here is first video tutorial on how to work with path. It also explains some details about Game Path concept. Also here is two new presets we are adding to the software: Twisted Road http://download.buildbox.com/buildbox/assets/presets/TwistedRoad.bbdoc Twisted Switch http://download.buildbox.com/buildbox/assets/presets/TwistedSwitch.bbdoc Here is full change log: added: Android Export added: Level Path added: Follow Component added: Timer Component added: Rotation Animation Component added: Reworked Animation Editor added: Camera Field Of View attribute added: Compact way to show Assets added: Path Move Component added: Touch Path Component added: 'F' key to bring camera to selected object added: 2D animations is now visible in Editor added: Helper Window added: Deletion threshold option for World fixed: Performance issue when you have many objects on level section fixed: Perfromance issue on iOS/Android fixed: Bug when Best Score is not loaded on iOS/Android fixed: Event Observer issue not triggering when you hit certian points fixed: Crashes on Intel Integrated Video Cards fixed: Crashes on Window fixed: preview scene button fixed: shadow issues on Intel Integrated Video Card fixed: moving sun into the level section causes crashes fixed: the application crashes while clicking on Animation Node drop-down in Component Editor fixed: for .obj files no Start node appears in the Component Editor fixed: bug when multiple welcome windows were displayed at once fixed: crash when a 3D World is connected to the Start node in Mind Map fixed: crash if Particles are attached to Start node in the Character Map fixed: align scenes fixed: crash during adding font in some causes fixed: the Name of the Label does not change in Scene Tree fixed: crash when changing to landscape mode in settings fixed: crash while copying any UI element and pasting it on Mind Map fixed: animation frame limits fixed: crash while selecting attributes nodes under the Animation Editor graph in 3D World fixed: crash while cancelling the New Project popup fixed: pause button has no effect on gameplay fixed: crash while copying the UI with event observers fixed: crash while dragging and dropping any Object into the Scenes tab. fixed: points don't work for 'All Worlds' only for 'Current' fixed: tab name not updated Thank you everyone for all your great feedback. Cheers.
Hmm for some reason I'm getting an error on mac saying The application “Buildbox” can’t be opened. -47
*The notch isn't there when you set the preview on the iPhoneX.. *Also experiencing screen glitching w/Windows version when I click to maximize screen. @NikRudenko
Now this is what I'm talking about. Great update! I second @justforward with the question about ad integration Also, can't see the above presets in the software yet.
Thanks guys, stability in this build has substantially improved and this build marks a revolution in components API openness and simplicity while still having an even more enormous capability to still build great variety of games with no single line of code. Hardware issues are half solved and only affect a small share of aging hardware. More content and integrations are coming soon!
This looks great @NikRudenko Thanks for the update. Good news on 2.3.X too. I can't wait. Also, why on earth do people want Ad Integration in Beta software?
It just seems strange to focus on monetisation before creating a polished game. I would of thought people would want some more advanced features added first.