@Sean Buildbox Here is a screenshot. Red Plane is above Green Cube (Labeled with text 2). But the text is showing above the Red Plane, will DM you the bbdoc file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JDp_B0x86l7HFiZEuhnDpUXfN2oNk7Xp/view?usp=sharing
Hello. What is the status of the use of .fbx files with the new BB release? I would really like to use my Sketchup fbx exported models in my game. Thanks!
Buildbox 3, the free version is what I had high expectations for. And when it was just released it had a few setbacks. But with this release Buildbox 3 is whole lot stable than before and the copy and paste for scenes was a huge help. Still there are a few problems for people who just started with Buildbox. When we launch the app for the first time they ask for a license key activation and there many newbies out there who do not know where these license key are seen and they quit Buildbox altogether. It was sad to see skilled people leave Buildbox just for this reason. I hope you guys get the meaning of what I am trying to convey here. Other than this issue, I see Buildbox is still going strong!!! Keep going!!! GOOD LUCK TO THE ENTIRE TEAM!!!
There is a problem to export games made with bb3.1.2 beta.The app closes while trying to export to a folder.Could anyone tell me how to fix it? Everyday goes by i encounter new problems with Buildbox.......