Buildbox 2.3.6 Bug Report

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by itzonator, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I've noticed a bug that I now know it's for sure for iOS exports.

    When I create Leaderboard ID and have that added in Settings. When I create a Navigation Button on the UI and set it to GAME SERVICES, when test on the device this Leaderboard button does not show up at all. Therefore, the Game Services (in Navigation) does not seem to display properly on a real device, yet on Buildbox 2.3.6 previewer is showing fine!
  2. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I haven't experienced any issues with this is 2.3.6. How long ago did you set up your Leaderboard on iTunes? The reason I ask is because I have seen this take up to 48 hours to become active.
    Also make sure you have it set to Active within your iTunes app setup, you have to turn it on physically within the app settings on iTunes.
  3. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I am certain that's the case, leaderboard is enabled, but the app is not published. Either way, I should be able to see the Game Services icon on UI, I do not see it. Oh, try this, add some animations to the menu, I added some Animations to the Game Services button. Maybe with animations is showing this bug.

    I see Game Services icon on BuildBox Previewer, but when actually install on a real device, the UI icon is missing. Weird.
  4. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    You have to register the leaderboard/gamecenter in iTunesConnect so it can connect. Then it will show. It only shows if it can connect so Internet must be on too. I resolve this 'issue' with adding the same image again underneath as an 'image'. So it always shows even if it is not connected.
    itzonator likes this.
  5. SpoonCrysis

    SpoonCrysis Avid Boxer

    Aug 10, 2018
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    There is score posting issues with 2.3.6 across the board iOS and Android. It simply will not post scores.

    I have tested this in older version of 2.3 and it works fine so its definitely 2.3.6 that is the issue.

    My solution has been to recreate the entire game again in an older version of buildbox that works.
    I simply don't have time to wait for an update to happen to fix the issue.

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