Best Level Reached System At Main Menu

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by fast999, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. fast999

    fast999 Avid Boxer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    I have made a game by connection different worlds to one another in the game mind map.Each world is a level in my game.At end of every world i have put a coin and a menu jump so that player goes to another world and level is increased.But how do i add a label so that it gives me the best level reached in the main menu.I tired but it gave me a bug for example i died in level 3 best should be 3 but when i start game again so it starts from 3 not 0.So is there another way ?
  2. Phill Mason

    Phill Mason Serious Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hey @fast999, in the Game Mind Map, you can select your world and "Add a Component" (bottom right) and in there, along with Object Detection Threshold and Force movement, you'll see "Score", that's what you need. Check off "Reset Coins" and that will 0 your score when you restart the game/level etc.

    Place a score label in whichever UI you want to show your best score and select - Best Points - All Worlds. Of course there are many variable to your game setup from the next one, but I'm currently using something similar in my current game. I also added a transparent navigation button set to "Reset Settings" over the top of my Main Menu button on my game over screen. This is because of the way I've used points and event observers to jump around worlds. It may not be the same for you, but in my case, I want to make sure if the player clicks back to the main menu to start over, the scores are also reset to zero.

    There are usually several ways/workarounds to execute what you're trying to achieve. Hope that helps a little?
    fast999 likes this.
  3. fast999

    fast999 Avid Boxer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    yes thanks it worked man...i really didnt know that ... :)

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