Bb 2.3.9 Admob Ads Not Working?

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Alienone, May 10, 2020.

  1. Alienone

    Alienone Boxer

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Curious, when I had BB a few years ago, all I did was put in the coding for interstitial ads, (which thats all put in in my games) Didn't even put in the Admob App ID, and the ads worked to perfection... But now with BB 2.3.9, can not get the the Admob ads to show up at all in my app... Put the Admob App Id in and still can not get the ads to show up :(

    Many Thanks For Any Input And Help
  2. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I tested Admob ads for a few days in 2.3.9 and interstitial and banner works without a problem. The only problem is with Rewarded video. The button is not visible on the preview (this is currently fixed by the team). I noticed another problem yesterday. After setting the interstitial waterfall Admob + Facebook all the time I had an error on Xcode.
  3. Alienone

    Alienone Boxer

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Thanks Jaro!, its just weird that I have it working on apps I made a few years ago, and it will not work now... but curious, my first apps where made with Eclipse... This is the first time I am using Android Studio... is their something I may be missing in Android Studio when building the APK?

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