Apple Store Submission Error (sdk Version Issue)

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by GoldenBoy, May 1, 2018.

  1. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Boxer

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Hey everyone,

    I uploaded my games yesterday to the apple store with no issue. Today, I tried uploading one with BB 2.3.5 on Xcode 9.2.

    I get this following error message from xcode when trying to submit to the apple store: This app was built with the IOS 10.3 SDK. All new apps submitted to the apple store must be built with IOS 11.0 SDK or later included in xcode 9.0 or later.

    Anyone else having this same issue despite having xcode 9.x installed and BB 2.3.5?

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