I`m Having trouble with Leader boards. I have a "Sign in error" when starting my game. As far as I know I have set everything up as it should be. I`m using Buildbox (Latest) I`ll add a few screen shots and see if anyone can figure out with me Thanks
This looks like your device issue but i may be wrong. can you try and signout and sign in again in your device maybe ?
Not my OS lol The android studio was a new installation. I set this up back last year and was working great but I've gone over everything and can't seem to find what's wrong. I installed game services on android studio and that didn't seem to solve the problem. To be clear, inside buildbox the leader board button is set to "game services"??
Awesome, so far I have them all. I'm thinking of setting up a new leaderboard to see if that would make a difference
The issue still remains :-( I triple checked all ID's & settings. What else in android studio needs to be downloaded or activated
Update (Fixed) My problem was I used a SHA-1 key from android studio. I removed and unpublished leaderboard & unlinked the game inside Google console. Set the leaderboard back up but this time with the SHA-1 key that is provided for my app by Google. Just got up to test after a few hours and all is now working. Thanks for helping
Hey, This was a while ago. I made a new leader board for the game and used the SHA-1 key provided by google.
Hi, everybody, I am new here I am using buildbox 3 free versions, I have confusion if I don't use leaderboard and game services ID license key and let all the field empty is there any problem? to publish the game? I am sorry for my bad English I am using a translator.
Is the 'Version Code' the same as 'Game Version'? Or do I have to find my version code somewhere on the google play developer console?