Advanced Move On A Object

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by K9 Gamer, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. K9 Gamer

    K9 Gamer Avid Boxer

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I`m trying to set up an advanced move on a object so when it am in contact and press a button its triggers the advanced move animation.

    For example stand next to the a door press the character action key door opens or to use a lever.

    The Also id like a enemy to move left and right as my character does i`ve given them the 2 moves and set it to my left and right button on screen but it dosn`t seem to work.

    I`ve tried to add a special move to an enemy so that when it collides with my bullet object it triggers a block animation but again nothing happens.

    How do i get object Advanced moves to trigger?
  2. ZikZak

    ZikZak Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Why not just put the animation in the 'Defeated animation' box of the enemy?
  3. K9 Gamer

    K9 Gamer Avid Boxer

    Jul 30, 2016
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    i want a switch to work only when you press the action button not just making contact with it. I'm trying to get a ladder to work but the problem is every time you go near it you automatically climb which is not ideal. Objects have the ability to do advanced move they just don`t appear to work at the moment or i`m missing something. I`m sure ill find away eventually so far I have with all my other issues.

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