a la 1942... Great game... Bullet spreads become bigger, add a wingman and his bullet... And another... Now instead of one bullet you get a multiplier and your shooting 3 bullets... You get a bullet spread power up now you're 3 forward and two more at 45 deg angles, now your shooting 5, your wingmen are shooting 5, bullets everywhere... You're FILLING the screen with bullets and kickin nazi ass... How can this be done in a dogfight style game?
Sounds like a classic arcade style game with powerups. What I would try is to add character bullets to action animation with overlay animation onto the character. Not sure how that works with multiple action animations though but might worth a try.
This game was made in buildbox, and it features both increasing bullets and wingmen and even more appropriate is the same designer made a dogfight style game in buildbox where the bullet spread and wingmen are even more apparant @trudnai thanks for the idea, i'll have to try it, but won't that simply be decorative?
Not at all! This setup works exactly like that: Dropped 5 Character Bullets onto the Animation Action and it just does what it supposed to: All 5 shoots at the very same time killing enemies... (EDIT) ...Once action was collected, but that action can be also triggered by a UI button of course...
ok @trudnai, I think i have this working, however it makes my character invincible... edit - change to coin and BOOM... powerup till death baby... thank you so much for your help!!
I have multiple Wizards in my game and would like powerups to give each one of them upgraded "Bullets" until they die. How could this be achieved?
hi i have a problem that may still be related to this thread. previously sorry i use google translator. I want to try to make 2 right and left wing bullets for the plane, but when I add spawner then the character of the plane can not be moved. but if using 1 spawner for the bullet then the characters can be moved smoothly, anyone can help?