The only way you would be able to do it as of now is export the animation as a series of PNG's and import them as a regular animation. There is no support for FBX models, only OBJ. There are a couple of super users that have found some little workarounds to animating some 3d objects but it's limited. I have heard people asking for FBX support but I don't know if it is a high priority for the BB team or not. The best thing we can do right now is import an OBJ and slap a texture on it. If you know how to use blender you can make an unwrapped PNG texture and apply it within buildbox. Probably why 99% of the main characters and enemies in BB games are squares and balls.
This is something that we are strongly working on. We know many users want this kind of feature and it is something that we are looking forward to as well.