Hey boxers, I'm going to use this thread to provide FREE game art for your next hit games! I'll do my best to provide better and better quality and to be as active as possible. The packs are FREE for personal and commercial use. Enjoy! Just add "0" in the price section. Hope you'll find some good use for it! MOST RECENT UPLOAD: DOWNLOAD HERE: https://gum.co/isometricartgamepack PREVIOUS UPLOADS: Pixel Game User Interface: gumroad.com/l/pixelGameUI More Isometric Game Art: Get it here (paid version): https://gumroad.com/l/isometricGameArt Cheers
You're all welcome! I'm super happy that you find this useful. New isometric game art bundle available! Check the TOP post or just download from here: https://gum.co/isometricartgamepack
I think it's so cool that you're doing this. You're going to make friends fast lol. I like this isometric minimalistic vibe you've got going. I think you should keep rockin' it because that artwork is still working and still in demand. Good stuff man.
Hey boxers, the free pack was a real success and people really appreciated the work. That's why I've made the upgraded version! It costs $9 only and it has about 250 elements. You can get it from here: https://gumroad.com/l/isometricGameArt I'm also planning to release more freebies in the next few weeks. Thanks!
Can you post an image of all the included images. A low res jpg or whatever. The video doesn't give much detail.
Great job Crevasse. Buildbox could do with an asset store where members can upload, share and sell their assets.
Hey guys, I'll have some free time in the next following days. What freebie would you like me to create next? I've made a poll and attached it to the top post, check it out.