Another noob question from me I cannot rotate my stuff in buildbox [ATTACH] In buildbox tutorials his outline is blue screenshot below...
Hi, this may be a dumb question, but I'm new at Buildbox. I'm trying to do a simple rotation of a SawBlade--as an enemy. I have the sawBlade as...
Hi guys, Here is a small preset I just made :) I don't know why but the ball won't stop bouncing lol [MEDIA] Free bbdoc:...
Please I need help rotating my character (which is a hollow circle) using the accelerometer. Please outline any special settings for the character...
Hey guys, First off, sorry about the length of this post. So, i've been working on a game concept that revolves around having characters...
can we move a already rotating object ? for example a moving wheel and when we reach to a certain point it starts to move on x axis ... is this...
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