How To Pass Objects Between Nodes On Same Object?

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by Steddyman, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. LBPToo

    LBPToo Avid Boxer

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Hi mxstudios, It does show errors on Windows, it's just broken on Mac.

    Good job, that functionality should be in BB3 by default.
  2. mxstudios

    mxstudios Boxer

    Aug 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ah. Maybe I need to do some dev on the PC. Might speed it up for the scripting. Thx for letting me know that.
  3. LBPToo

    LBPToo Avid Boxer

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I have BB on PC and Mac. I started using Mac with BB3 as I did with BB2 but the first version of BB3 wouldn't run on my Mac because of something to do with the graphics engine, so I switched to PC and it turned out it was lucky because of the error reporting. I'm sure it has saved me days of debugging having that available.
  4. Robin Miller

    Robin Miller Boxer

    May 3, 2020
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    Hi Bill
    I'm new to both Buildbox and JS (unfortunately). I found it BB via fb ad and I have an idea for a puzzle game so thought I'd give it a try.
    Hopefully there's a way to do what I want natively but I can't find one, so Google brought me here!

    I have 2 objects ('Square 1' and 'Square 4')
    I'm trying to pass the colour of Sq4 to Sq1. (They will change over time)
    Trying to implement your code above I have (hoping it posts correctly!)

    Sq4 (Object), in a 'Set Color' Node that I have named 'Set Start Color'. This is the sending node:
    function init(){
    function update(dt){
    var sq4colour
    function signal(name, value) {
    //Check the incoming signals
    if (name == 'Set' && value) {
    //get the node attributes
    let col = this.attribute('Color');
    //set the entity color
    this.entity().setColor(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
    sq4colour = this.entity().color
    let comp = this.entity().component('Square 1.Set Color');
    comp.signal('send_sq4colour', sq4colour );
    //Emit signal to indicate the node finished
    this.emitSignal('Done', true);

    Sq1 (Object), in a 'Set Color' Node named 'Set Color'. This is the receiving node:

    function init(){
    function update(dt){
    var colour_from_sq4
    function signal(name, value) {
    //Check the incoming signals
    if (name == 'send_sq4colour') {
    colour_from_sq4 = value
    //get the node attributes
    //let col = this.attribute('Color');
    //set the entity color
    this.entity().setColor(colour_from_sq4.r, colour_from_sq4.g, colour_from_sq4.b, colour_from_sq4.a);
    //Emit signal to indicate the node finished
    this.emitSignal('Done', true);
    I'm getting a compile(?) error:
    JS Error [asset: Square 4, component: Set Start Color, line: 0] - TypeError: comp is null

    Pls help!

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