Buildbox 2 Support And Another Price Model?

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by HG-2018, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. belmir

    belmir Avid Boxer

    Jun 29, 2018
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    hi Josh (Nology Games)
    you solve the problem for certain customers, maybe we are not the majority but we must also take care of us, I agree with you bb2 is limited for certain and bb3 nice news for them, but it is not not our case.
    so we need updates too
    Jaro likes this.
  2. Hue Buildbox

    Hue Buildbox Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    Hi guys, I would love to get a list of functions that's available in BB2 but is not in BB3.
    Along with any difficulties you're having trying to rebuild your BB2 games in BB3.
    One of the main focuses is to have all BB2 functions available in BB3 so anyone making a transition from BB2 to BB3 is done seamlessly.

    At the moment, BB2 games are not correctly converted when opened with BB3.
    Therefore to make a smooth transition we are required to rebuild our games in BB3.
    You'll be surprised how many functions are already available in BB3 and just has to be set up a little differently.
    So a list of any unavailable functions needed to completely rebuild your games would be very helpful.
  3. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    We do not ask about adding new functions or about any BB2 revolutions. We only want to keep him alive as he is. This is also important for those who already have published games and will have to make some changes in them. If it could be done in BB3 it is not a problem but it is not. Also, for many users, #nocode is the most important because they can't dig in the codes of nodes and fix things. And this is probably the main goal.
    viking likes this.
  4. ramiucef

    ramiucef Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Exactly, BB2 is by far the most accurate representation of a drag and drop, #nocode engine; in fact, till this very day, BB2 helped to create more games than any other version of Buildbox, and still many users are looking up to create more 2D games by using the functions that suit their creative ideas without having to be forced to use a different version of BB and rebuild their games from the scratch.
    Let's face it, even though Bboxers with the pro subscription are still getting updates for BB2, it is obvious that BB2 is coming to an end, there is no mention of it on the main Buildbox website, or when you want to choose a subscription plan.

    We know the main goal of Buildbox team is to focus on developing and enhancing one game software, and it's great that's what all we want, but as ridiculous as it sounds, Buildbox 3 is limited for us, it's taking more time to make a 2d game, and overall it does not allow a smooth transition. If there is a slight chance for the Buildbox team to make room for BB2 as a separate product, that would mean a lot to us and many games creators in this community.

    By the way, I'm curious to know if the Buildbox team made a survey about how people who are introduced to the software see Buildbox 3. Is it considered as game software in general, for both 2d or 3d games? or perhaps it's only reflecting as a 3d game maker, therefore many potential users are giving up the idea of getting Buildbox because they thought it does not make 2d games.
    jcalle, MAC420 and diamdiamubi like this.
  5. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    I hear what you're getting at. But, will these fixes then be turned into Brainbox's That there is the direction you want to go with this crowd, if you want them to switch over. I get what all BB3 could do with these Brainbox's and it's a great idea. Need to add a "shoot" for character & a "on site" for enemy's and maybe a tutorial on how the health bar works cause it's not working for me. I add it, I change the value of it and still I die with one hit and no health bar appears on screen? Then I added health and damage to both character and enemy and yeah I start getting hit by the enemy from a far. I really want to see BB3 and the #nocode movement move forward. Brainbox is def the way to go and tutorials based around just brainbox & 2D. Currently I'm gathering up my next big game on BB2 to send to you guys to see what you do with it in BB3.
  6. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I think the big obstacle in fixing this situation is that the BB team can no longer make their own decisions. Since the Buildbox website is signed at the bottom by AppOnBoard, everything has become clear.
    belmir likes this.
  7. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    We would like to have all those features that have BB2 and no BB3. It will solve everything. :)
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  8. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    I think that if we could have an option to create brain boxes in buildbox 3 we could replicate all the methods/inputs/features from bb2 into bb3 and use bb3 in the same way but for now we must use them separately (for now)
    MAC420 likes this.
  9. viking

    viking Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I would love an Easy ads export for Bb2 as bb3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ But still the MOST important is to have a working export function for new release ios and android. Too many games will need update and with all bbhacks we all did.... And we just love bb2 also. So simple. I have games that i have so many hacks in it, you can’t imagine (not release yet). I’m now a master jedi bbhacks... .
    diamdiamubi, HG-2018 and Jaro like this.
  10. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    Exactly and I kinda need to know how much longer do we really have with BB2 should I be starting new games with it or not? I spent the weekend working with BB3 2D only and there is a lot that needs to be fixed still, it's def not ready for me to move everything over but, then again I have many games in the works and at this point do not know where to go or what to do. It's Monday I'm usually bashing away at making a game but, instead I'm trying to learn BB3 2D and comparing it to other software, cause I don't know if it's worth continuing with BB2. Smh Idk. It would be nice if they would give us a date of some kind.
    johnnydakoxx and Jaro like this.
  11. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Like me. Last week I tried to make a game at BB3 that I am working on at BB2 but unfortunately there are still some restrictions. BB3 relied on the lack of extensive possibilities of actor animation. For me this is one of the most important things. If I insisted and did this game in BB3 it would be a big step back.
    MAC420 likes this.
  12. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    After really diving into BB3 a bit more I would have to say there really is no restrictions there is code now which makes it pretty able to make whatever you want provided the tutorial or information is available on how to do whatever it is that you want to do which of course is lacking at this current time and or the tutorial's are proving to me there is still much work to be done. The Brainbox's are obviously not compleate yet in the version I have of BB3 and for us here trying to express what we would like to see in buildbox3 is the Brainbox's that is what will make BB3 different from other Game Markers all together . The coding and node style being used at this time is actually quit familiar in Construct 3 and Game Maker Studios 2 only with 3D capability's. Which automatically brings it ahead of those two. but, as in information on how to use it is not as vast for BB3 as it is for others as they have been using this type of no-code/code layout since they began. The trick here is getting back to the BB2 basics which can be done in BB3 but, was obviously on the back burner during development and is now being built in with the Brainbox. Of course there can not be a true set time for when it will be fully ready to be used with easy or as smooth as BB2 but, a set time for when BB2 will be cut off can be. Also we can help them by building our games with BB2 and then transfer to BB3 and then send them both in showing the issues at hand. I would love to see BB2 continue as a stand alone 2D software but, unfortunately it's not looking like that's going to happen. But, to the Buildbox reps reading this please give us a time limit on how long BB2 will be in service so we can make some decisions and move on with our game making projects. Thank you
    Jaro likes this.
  13. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @TreySmith @NikRudenko @Sean Buildbox . Can anyone dare tell us what are the plans for BB2? 3-4 months ago we were assured by the team that BB2 will not be abandoned and that it will continue to be updated. At this point, everything has changed and apart from the assurance that BB3 is much better, we have not received any response about BB2. For many users this is an important issue because it is a question about already published games and new projects started. I will not mention that we still have to pay for using BB2 without knowing if it makes any sense.
    johnnydakoxx and MAC420 like this.
  14. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I would not start making new games in bb2 now.
    I loved this company (or what it was) and I wanted to build a long time relationship with it but I believe that new 2d features and updates will be minimal in bb3 as they have a lot of other 3d things to fix first and I quite don't have the time to wait for them..Josh already said we are not the majority, so..obviously not a priority. Also, paying for a 3d engine to only use his 2d capabilities is stupid. There are 2d game engines out there that only in 2019 had 60 updates to their software. In the meantime we beg for support and and a few bug fixes :D . Rambling over
    johnnydakoxx and MAC420 like this.
  15. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    I hear ya I was totally behind the true No-Code Movement but, idk in 3 hours and 3 inquiries of the out look of life support of BB2 and crickets. Not even a. "You guys got like a year." or anything. From what I understood we were suppose to be able to transfer BB2 to BB3 but, it don't work it's just a mess. So I sent my BB2 and BB3 versions of my game into support (like I was told to do on this thread) and I got this.


    These files can be opened in BB3, this refest to files that cannot be loaded in BB3 :)


    Well yeah they can be opened but, they can not be used as they are a mess the game don't even play right, thought they were gonna show me something. So then I asked how long do I have before BB2 is dead... I got no response. So now I'll be fighting an unseeable clock trying to finish what is already on it's way out the door, update what needs to be updates and seeing if I can recreate everything in BB3 or go with something else as BB3 is not really ready or well documented... Nice...
    Jaro, belmir and 33Shox like this.
  16. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    looool These files can be opened. Best :D
    Jaro and belmir like this.
  17. belmir

    belmir Avid Boxer

    Jun 29, 2018
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    hi all
    a question: did "buildbox" the team change after the purchase by "AppOnBoard" or is it always the same?
    politics has changed there is less information on the forum less communication
  18. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    At no point did I state that anyone here was not part of the majority we value all of our members
  19. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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  20. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    If you like to animate your character add state machine and multiple animations in order to switch between them

    Everything you see in BB2 can be mapped in BB3 with some coding but the lack of creating custom brain boxes and exporting them to be shared with community adds a level of difficulty. If you want to invest time in creating the nodes that are missing from BB2 into BB3 then you can use BB3 as your 2d game engine. This will give you full control and possible bug fixing capabilities and you will not have to wait for "upcoming release"
    MAC420 likes this.

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