Buildbox 2.3.8 Beta #2515

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Sean Buildbox, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    @Sean Buildbox i mean only a Joystick support not UI Joystick support ;). We have been waiting for this function for a long time. When will there finally be an update for Buildbox 2, or is it no longer supported? I unfortunately only see new versions for Buildbox 3, it's nice to see that you are working on the third version, but I only use Buildbox for 2D games and 3d doesn't interest me much. It would be a pity if you neglect the support :). If the version would be for free, then I wouldn't have a problem with it, but unfortunately I pay for it and as I said I rather use the 2 version ;). I also have another question, if at some point the buildbox 2 should export to 3 and I can also use it like buildbox 2, which advantages would I have, is the engine faster ?
    Jaro and GamerGhost like this.
  2. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I agree with that exactly. A few months ago, BB team conducted a survey about working for BB2 or BB3. I remember about 25-30% of users said they are only interested in working for BB2. So these users are not waiting for the fantastic BB3 version and just paying for the good, stable, functional version of BB2. The Buildbox offer has always included a fee for BB2 as main software
    BB3 (as a beta since ages). In addition, I suggest you think about how many games created in 2D promoted Buildbox. And they are still created in 2D and achieve great success.
    GamerGhost likes this.
  3. GamerGhost

    GamerGhost Boxer

    Jan 25, 2019
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    @Jaro @HG-2018 I couldn't agree with you more!
    BB3 is an early Beta software and will be complex with scripting. BB2 is the real thing #nocode.
    @Sean Buildbox I hesitate to ugrade my subscription from Indie to Pro because I am afraid the abandoning of BB2.
    PS: If BB3 someday in the future is mature and fully capable of importing BB2 projects all well done.:)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  4. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @GamerGhost while Buildbox 3 is only in its early stages of life, it is in no way still in Beta. Also, Buildbox 3 may take some getting used to and have nodes instand of advanced moves. But It is already far more
    Powerful then it’s earlier model. The fact is, Buildbox 2 Had limitations that we needed to get rid of and with Buildbox 3, we did
  5. GamerGhost

    GamerGhost Boxer

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Alright ...but we have games published with BB2. What will happen without support? Moreover a percentage of Buildbox clients we prefer Buildbox 2 even with the limitations.
    However I think that the right move is to support BB2 until the BB3 can successfully import 2D projects from BB2. In fact the final software package must have two distinct modes 2D and 3D because I cannot imagine another way.
  6. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    You can discuss this for a long time but really the only fully functional product in the Buildbox offer is BB2. A product in which you can actually produce a game without knowledge of coding, publish on several places and adding ads in a simplified way. Companies that offer 2D software do not abandon it, they are still developing. 3D is not the main goal for everyone. I think that when BB3 functionality reaches the BB2 level there will be great success. At this point, as you can read on the forum for many users it is a battle with problems.
  7. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Jaro we have not abandoned our 2D software. We have the ability to create 2D games in BB3 already. We are also improving BB3 quite regularly. I understand that BB3 might take some getting used to, but the great news is that we are also working on making it even easier to use then BB2 was. With the current node system, we are slowly eliminating the needed that BB2 had for creating work arounds. But you can already create a game without adding lines of code, even publish it.
  8. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Of course, I know that very well, but in a sense the creativity of users is being killed. You can't do everything yet without knowing coding. Instead of focusing on their project, they have to walk around different areas and solve software problems that they should not be dealing with at all.
  9. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Hey guys just wanted to chime in here. To be clear we’re still supporting 2.X for the foreseeable future (I've been working to clear 2.3.8 for official update, just wrapping a certificate issue), but putting more resources into 3.X as it’s the future of the platform. Regarding the joystick feature I'm not sure on that specific feature coming to Buildbox 2, but the good news is we’re currently working on a MAJOR update to 3.0 that will include a 2D world that operates like BB2. It will have components, and you can build full games only using them without nodes. But it will have nodes for when you need it. Hopefully this clarifies the state of the platform currently.
    Jaro likes this.
  10. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Will the Buildbox 2.x possibly give in the future individually or even for free ? Because this version is the most interesting for me, because it runs quite stable and I want to make 2d games. The port to buildbox 3 is rather hard to see, because I'm afraid that some things that are built into my game might not work anymore, or should the port be 100 percent the same as Buildbox 2.0?
    GamerGhost likes this.
  11. iamrichgames

    iamrichgames Boxer

    Sep 29, 2017
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    We found a jumping bug while testing the game with the build box version 2.38.
    It is a bug that stops jumping if you click the Jump button and the bottom of the iPhone X continuously.

    Please correct it quickly.
  12. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi @Sean Buildbox Still Chartboost bug is continuing in this build for Android. Also realised that If I try to use Applovin Android Studio gives errors in build. So I can not use no Chartboos or Applovin with this version of Buildbox. Please can you check on that. Thank you!
    iamrichgames likes this.
  13. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    The bug is already very old and I have written many e-mails because of the bug and it is still not fixed today. Whenever you press the button too fast it doesn't work anymore, I've always been told that it's because of the settings and I've tested many settings but the bug is still there.
    iamrichgames likes this.
  14. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @Sean Buildbox Chartboost and Applovin have stopped working with ios13 (Xcode 11). AdMob works without a problem.
  15. iamrichgames

    iamrichgames Boxer

    Sep 29, 2017
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    WOW ! I saw your game.! cool.!!

    But , It's amazing how long the button error is.
    I think it's a bug only in iPhone X. I didn't find it on any other phone.


    HG-2018 likes this.
  16. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Btw @Sean Buildbox found a solution for Applovin for android. At the end of gradle file add this line and it fixes it.

    implementation ''

    After gms it is “:” first then “p” after between “s” and “l” no idea why it keeps adding that pink emoji there lol.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.
  17. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Thanks for wow

    I like to make games ;)
  18. tupilak

    tupilak Boxer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Any other have problems with iOS IAP?
    I have now tested with two different IAP settings in (itunesconnect), and according settings in BB2.3.8.
    But the IAP purchase in Testflight are not working.Yes I have double-checked the IAP ID (misspelling etc) :)
  19. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Any new about a new version ?

    Or will there be no more updates? I mean I have something with API level at Google to be changed or any other important updates ;).

    Or maybe make the engine win little faster that you can take more than just a few objects per scene without the older phones having an Fps drop. ( Where other engines hardly have problems)

    What would be a great extension for the 2 version would be that you can use more than just coins and points, a customer version would be great, which you can also use in the observer.

    Or that you can use completely different animations for powerups, unfortunately you can only use a standardized animation, but you can't change motion or idle animation.

    I have lot of ideas ;)
    AppNasty likes this.
  20. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Can you expect an improvement in Buildbox 2 at all, or will there soon be no more support and everything will only be done via Buildbox 3d ? As I said 3D games are not interesting for me, because I rather support 2D games, it would be interesting if you can use and edit your old projects with 3D and it would be easier to import 3D models with textures. But unfortunately this doesn't work with Buildbox 3D the way I want it to. The updates also come very slowly, which is unfortunately not good for support. It would be great if this would change and not so little info and updates come.

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