Someone Used My Admob.....and Violated.

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by AppNasty, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I am not shut down or anything but i got an email from google saying i violated their policy by trying to convince people to click ads. It said the app package name was "" which i cannot find anywhere. It seems what happened is, since i give away my sources, i forgot to remove my admob code, and so did they. Then they violated and it went against me. I have tried to contact google and fill out appeal forms..which i cant even complete because it demands the apps name...which i do not know. all i know is its package name,
    Anyways, didnt know if it was any of you guys or if you know of a way i can track down who owns this app so i can send that to google so they dont punish me for what others are doing.

    Thanks guys.
  2. everchangeapps

    everchangeapps Boxer

    Jan 13, 2018
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  3. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Ok, so i get another email saying it was my game Sherbet....
    in the email it said Sherbet had been suspended from the play store....but its not. they suggested i removed ads from admob so i did. But i told them my sherbet games package is com.ohg.sherbet not that vanix thing lol. I am soooo lost. I asked what exactly was the violation and havent gotten a response. i am wondering if its what @DariusGuerrero said about having IN GAME ad banners. I went ahead and removed ALL ads from all my games to be safe until i get a reply. Going to stop putting banner ads during gameplay anyways to help keep lag away.
  4. everchangeapps

    everchangeapps Boxer

    Jan 13, 2018
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    Yeah never put ads during gameplay. A. for lag issues. B. takes away the immersion of wanting to play. If i accidentally click an ad in a game on the gameplay screen, im closing the game. Menu/Game over screens are for banners.
    AppNasty likes this.
  5. Qdeveloper

    Qdeveloper Avid Boxer

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Beware google for some obvious reason know that any users from your life circle (your friends, people you know from your emails, your phone contacts, social media friends, or even people you meet them in the same geo-location during gaming/event show or if they share the same network) if they click your game ads (even very few clicks) can be indicated as a terms violation; Especially when your game don't have many downloads.

    And yes, They can track that if it's happen.
    AppNasty likes this.
  6. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Really sad to read about this @OneHitGamer.

    Google's been extra strict these days I've been getting manual reviews for my apps, but they've been doing a good job at it too! Take a look at this screenshot they sent me for rejecting my game because the website link doesn't lead to a website


    I guess what happened was some guy took your Sherbet template, didn't bother to change the App name but only changed the bundle ID and uploaded it to the Google Play Store. Incidentally, the Sherbet clone is also connected to your Admob App ID which indicates its name is Sherbet. The Sherbet clone is the one suspended, but your admob account is in jeopardy too. Now, with this details you can file an appeal, hopefully. Until then maybe use a chartboost account for now? Keep us posted about this man. This sucks.​
    AppNasty likes this.
  7. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I just went ahead and removed ALL ads from all games. None are heavy hitters anyways so im not worried. I will now implement new strategies.

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