Track Analytics In Buildbox Game (beta Release Simpl Analytics)

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by upghzn, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. upghzn

    upghzn Boxer

    Oct 28, 2015
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    Hi! We just launched our closed beta of Simpl Analytics. At the moment we give insight into your players retention rate. Implementation is done in just a few minutes.


    We have focused on minimizing our SDKs to remove the technical friction from your side, so that you can focus on making great games.

    By extracting retention data from Simpl Analytics you are able to calculate:
    - Retention
    - Total users
    - New users
    - DAU
    - MAU

    Our team is small but our ambitions are big. We want to simplify analytics. Our goal is to provide you with useful feedback from analytics to make great games even better. In order to do that we need YOU. We're not a big corporation. We're a small group of devoted indie game developers, and to us every feedback/thought from you matters.

    Out of interest what sort of things would you be interested in tracking?

    Request an invite here:

    /Team Simpl
    DMONGS, Jamie, bmsingha and 1 other person like this.
  2. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I'm a complete ignorant when it comes to statistics. Hasn't iTunesConnect insight into retention rate as well?

    And well, wouldn't it be nice to see at what score a player dies?
    Or how about how many times he dies/gets to the Game Over menu?
    How many characters he unlocked or how many times he visits the store?

    Just brainstorming. Not sure what I would do with this stats either... hehe
    blackswan likes this.
  3. upghzn

    upghzn Boxer

    Oct 28, 2015
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    Thanks for some great feedback! The difference with our retention data from iTunesConnect's is that we're able to extract data from every user, while Apple hide data from users that have not chosen to share their data with developers. This gives you misleading retention data. We also combine your data from Apple and Google into the same dashboard.

    Sounds like you're interested in score, attempts/fail/success to understand progress and funnels. Great insight! What more do you guys want to track? For me personally, retention has been guiding our development in early phases. Also depending on your DAU, you can get better customized deals from ad networks, or better rev-share deals with publishers (if you're looking for that).

    Thanks Christoph! Will keep you in the loop.

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