Forward Facing Direction Question BB 2.0

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by kodagames, May 16, 2016.

  1. kodagames

    kodagames Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Hello Fellow Boxers,

    In the BB one versions, I wanted to create a space type of game where where I can control the player with the joystick and rotate 360 degrees.

    Would this be possible in BB 2.0?

    In BB 1 versions: I got rotation to work. To start, I set 25 as a value for right/left lean force and rotation drag. That way when you stop holding the < or > buttons you stop rotating.

    Where I'm stumped now is moving forward/back in the direction of the 'front facing' (forward facing direction) of the character when moving.

    For the rotation I created 2 invisible buttons on the game field and used the "char rotate" for both directions but Im stuck again getting the character to move in the forward facing direction and has been a problem.

    So for now it doesn't seem possible in BB 1 and was wondering if this had been resolved in BB 2.0? (or at least wishful thinking hoping its possible, I haven't tried BB 2.0 yet which is why Im asking here :))

  2. a5l

    a5l Boxer

    May 19, 2016
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    Forum moderator, please give some input on this. Need to know the answer. Anyway, I'm a subscriber.

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