Thinking about looking for a person, to promote/distribute my apps and share profits - Any advice?

Discussion in 'Game Marketing' started by tomvencel, May 20, 2016.

  1. tomvencel

    tomvencel Boxer

    May 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys

    While looking around for game-engines, I've stumbled across Buildbox. It looks like very good software (but seems quite expensive). I've also been searching the forums and found a lot of really good advice.

    I'm in the process of rebooting my little game-making business. I've had a lot of downtime since Flash and Mochiads went downhill (used to be my main source of income) and recently decided how I'd like to proceed in the future.

    Basically, I want to run a website for my own HTML5 games and monetise through sponsorships and advertising. I'm comfortable with this part of the business, and happy to be fully responsible for all the work that needs to be done.

    I do however want to finally start putting some Native Games on iOS and Android (a little late I know). I've made almost 40 games over the last few years, and I am looking at porting a bunch of them, as well as making new ones regularly.

    To the point ...

    I've been thinking, that it would be a good idea to find somebody with whom I could share the iOS and Android profits, if they were to do the distribution / promotion etc.

    Obviously I would need to find a knowledgable, trustworthy person who can show me that they can in some way push the apps to make some sort of income.

    Basically, I would make the games - they would do all the iOS and Android stuff, and we would split the profits.

    At the peak of the Flash era, I've a pretty nice following, with good feedback and scores. I want to get back to having fun making games, but I don't have the time or knowledge, on how to market them on iOS and Android.

    Here are a few links to some of my games (most made with Flash - looking to port some of them) ...

    Do you guys have any suggestions / thoughts on this?

    Thank you very much for any feedback!
  2. gurdippy

    gurdippy Boxer

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Your games are fun and i think it will be hit on ios/andround. But it is puzzle oriented, not something buildbox is good at unfortunately.
  3. heathclose

    heathclose Miniboss Boxer

    Jan 28, 2016
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    search the forums for what is called a publisher, this is who you seek, there are several that frequent the forums and several threads on how to get in touch with others.
    Gregory Storm likes this.
  4. Gregory Storm

    Gregory Storm Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hello @tomvencel,

    There are hundreds of thousands of games being submitted to iOS and Android stores and only a handful of publishers so there is no shortage of incoming submissions. Even newer publishers like me get a slew of submissions so with that much competition out there to get publishing deals, what do you bring to the table to make any type of split worth it for the publisher? You have to think about what you are doing for them, not about what they can do for you.

    You said your games had a pretty nice following. How large is your mailing list that you built up from that following? Was that something you did? If so, I would reach out to your fan base and tell them that you're going to do a Kickstarter to port your most popular game over to iOS and Android. Based on that response, you'll see where you stand with your current users and you'll see if there is a demand. Once you can prove that people are interested enough in what you're doing, that would be a good time to start reaching out to publishers and make them aware of the success of your Kickstarter campaign.

    Good luck!

    playsgames6666 and heathclose like this.
  5. tomvencel

    tomvencel Boxer

    May 20, 2016
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    Hi guys,

    Thank you all for the feedback and tips - I appreciate them.

    I'm still interested in what others have to say, as I'm not really looking for a publisher, but someone knowledgable / experienced who would be interested in promoting etc. for a share of any profits made.

    Do any of you guys have a similar setup, or do you do everything by yourselves / look for a publisher?

    Thanks again!
  6. playsgames6666

    playsgames6666 Miniboss Boxer

    Nov 13, 2015
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    If your looking for a publisher for games to be on native mobile, you will need to create them first.
    No mobile publisher will bother without a demo version running on mobile device.
    Gregory Storm likes this.
  7. Gregory Storm

    Gregory Storm Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @tomvencel If you do not plan on approaching publishers once your games are built out on mobile, I suggest you hire somebody off Upwork and just pay them a flat or hourly rate to handle your promotions and marketing and publicity and user acquisition. That way you don't have to worry about sharing any profits.

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