Buildbox Classic / Buildbox 2.0 - Logic Objects | Logic Pieces

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by DrWho, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Good afternoon Everyone,

    Just wanted to ask this question with the hopes that someone from the BuildBox development
    team/staff can answer here.

    In BuildBox Classic there are currently only 5 Logic Objects / Pieces available to allow an individual
    to make any sort of customizations to their game to make it different and unique.

    There are currently only these Logic Objects available: ' Transform ' , ' Portal ' , ' Gatekeeper ' , ' Path ' , ' Menu Jump ' ...

    Some games like platformers also have logic for enemies to detect the player character and chase / follow him as well. I have not found anything in BuildBox Classic that allows a user to make or use any such object to allow this function in their games?! This would be a very much needed logic object / piece and would make certain games better if it would exist in BuildBox Classic.

    Will the BuildBox development team ever implement this much needed logic piece in the near future? And will there be any more additional logic objects / pieces to be added down the line for BuildBox Classic to make it even better for your users?

    Thanks very much for reading and God Bless always! ;)
    MAC420 and HG-2018 like this.
  2. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    No way.

    Hell would freeze over before anything happened. ;)
    MAC420 likes this.
  3. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Well, if that would be the case.. This would be very sad and disappointing then because there are also many paying subscribers for BuildBox Classic and not having any future additions to the core development software would be a major let down of their paying subscribers that could cause them to cancel their subscriptions and look elsewhere for a development platform/software that would address the users needs in this area. And from a business standpoint for the company in question it just wouldn't make any good common sense to not make such improvements on the core software for their paying subscribers as this would just cost the company to lose customers and a reliable source of income that would go against all economics of good business in question!
    MAC420 likes this.
  4. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Believe me. I have tried everything to finally get some innovations for Classic. All the improvements and even bugs that have been in the programme for years have never been fixed. All they ever say is that updates are coming. After a few years I even got used to it and still made some hit games. I always thought that if I supported buildbox something would come back. Unfortunately, after years, nothing was ever really done. Buildbox Classics and buildbox in general never came out of the beta phase. Today I just want bugs fixed and even that is ignored. Since the summer I have been waiting for an update that is only supposed to fix bugs and even that is not done. Reward videos no longer work and are ignored. This is the world of Buildbox.
    MAC420 likes this.
  5. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    From observation on another development platform ( Clickteam Fusion ) that I also develop on as well.. I have seen this same kind of approach also, but what it was, is a change of focus and efforts towards either another "Service" or "Product" in question. And going from the timelines for the line of BuildBox products.. When the now "BuildBox Classic" was just BuildBox 2.0, in the background the development team was focusing most of all their efforts on the development of BuildBox 3 their new flagship product that is now! And ever since then, BuildBox 2.0 ( "BuildBox Classic" ) was mostly left with minimal efforts on updates and features as we see today and still seems to persist unfortunately for all users/subscribers of BuildBox Classic. The only interesting thing to note here is that the company had brought back BuildBox 2 ( Buildbox Classic ) for other to have an option to choose from.. So it may be entirely possible that the company here in question just might make some efforts on Buildbox Classic because as was stated in my previous comment in this thread.. They had brought it back obviously for reasons and concerns that was made to them by other potential users/customers/subscribers. So if their intent is to never do anything with it.. No bug fixes.. No new addtions and/or features.. Then why bring it back and make it available for purchase then as a subscription service to use it then for development of games?!? If they have no intentions of ever fixing any bugs in the software and making new additions to this software.. Then why did they bring it back and make it available for future subscriptions to new users/developers? This is why it doesn't and wouldn't make any sense here is my reasoning on it. If they are only going to keep their focus on BuildBox 3 all the time.. Then wouldn't this be a complete waste of time then on their part and the customer's in question here by offering BuildBox Classic as an subscription option? This is my point entirely here. Clickteam also did this as well with thier current newer product that was in development called ( Fusion 3.0 ) which does exist by the way.. However the company CEO said that they had placed Fusion 3 on the back burning for now to support other developers that user their current product Fusion 2.5+ for their console platform services. And updates for their current product are few and far between.. But they do have at least 2 to 3 updates in a year for the current product. Most bug fixes and optimizations for it. But eventually I assume Fusion 3 will make it out some day hopefully.. But it would be nice if the developers in the Buildbox team would make those much needed bug fixes and add some new logic objects/pieces in BuildBox Classic to improve it some for the current customers of theres that have subscribed to it and pay on a regular basis as this would be only fair for those customers that bought the subscriptions for it. Anywas.. Just my thought on this.. Gob bless! ;)
  6. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    You will quickly notice that wishes or requests are very quickly ignored. This is the way of Buildbox. ;)
    MAC420 likes this.
  7. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Well if that is the case then.. Then it would probably be a good idea then not to purchase the Pro plan subscription to BuilldBox Classic as I was strongly considering here. Because if the BuildBox development team would add some more much needed Logic Objects / pieces to BuildBox Classic and put forth more effort in its updates as they do with BuildBox 3 I would most definitely make the purchase of it.
  8. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Well if that is the case then.. Then it would probably be a good idea then not to purchase the Pro plan subscription to BuilldBox Classic as I was strongly considering here. Because if the BuildBox development team would add some more much needed Logic Objects / pieces to BuildBox Classic and put forth more effort in its updates as they do with BuildBox 3 I would most definitely make the purchase of it. ;)

    Just look at the past planning that pro member should get money deducted from your advertising revenue.
  9. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Is Trey Smith & Nikko still part of the Buildbox team? I haven't seen either one of them on here for quite some time now?!? It just seems like they had completely disappeared ever since AppOnBoard aquired them... :/
  10. Miko Buildbox

    Miko Buildbox Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Trey is on the team, but he is taking a break away from Buildbox currently.
    Nik is with us, working on making Buildbox better every day! :)
  11. HG-2018

    HG-2018 Avid Boxer

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Everyone knows why ... ;)
  12. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    From what I had found out.. Trey Smith started up another company called
    and is selling NFT's / mech models that is supposed to be a one of a kind similar to selling assets in the site called second-life from
    what I can make of it?! On his facebook page he clearly states that he left BuildBox back in 2019 and then started up to pursue another endeavor in his entrepreneur life! This makes his 4th company that he started and founded or co-founded. Look it up!
  13. Miko Buildbox

    Miko Buildbox Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    As mentioned, he is still on the board, but taking a break from Buildbox :)
  14. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    That isn't what he said.. As I mentioned also, look it up!!! :po_O
  15. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    No he's not still on the board and this proves it here --->

    You either need to check your facts before you post to the many BuildBox customers here or stop stating things that are clearly FALSE!!!

    Trey Smith has been long gone from Buildbox ever since AppOnBoard acquired Buildbox back in 2019 and Trey Smith confirmed this himself and it's clearly available on his FaceBook page as well if you feel the need to go verify which you should do before stating previously above!

    I had many talks with Trey Smith and what you're saying is still continuing the LIE towards everyone here and is uncalled for! Trey Smith said multiple times that he officially left a year later after BuildBox was acquired by AppOnBoard period!!! Trey Smith was NOT INVOLVED in anyway size or form in anyway at all with anything related to BuildBox at all!!! Stop misleading everyone here making it out like he was when he clearly was not!! And like I said previously above Sean... This is not old news when you guys at Buildbox are still giving the impression towards everyone here that he had left not to long ago which isn't true at all! And with that it makes it New News then not old news like you want everyone to believe it is when it's not! Trey Smith left Buildbox over a year ago and had nothing to do with BuildBox ever since! Trey Smith is an entrepreneur and he clearly stated prior to his newest company which is now his 5th started / founded company. Trey Smith establishes a company and gets it popular to the point where he sells it off / acquired by another company and then moves onto the next big thing just to do it again! He's in the business to make money and does this in anyway he can get it done by! BuildBox got established and sold off and he made his money from the sell of the company.. Now he's going after the next big thing to establish once more to sell off again in time! His business is to Establish/Sell-Off/Move on.. Repeat!!

    And the sad thing here is Sean when you guys mislead the good people here that buy into the line of Buildbox products through their subscription and then mislead them in this way.. It's no wonder why they lose faith in these products and dont renew their said subscriptions and move onto different development platforms because now the original people that had founded the company are now gone and do not listen to their customers anymore and is why for example why certain other products are being completely ignored and nothing ever being done with them ever except for always being told by you and other Buildbox team members that their suggestions/questions/bug reports has been sent to the development team to be notified of such inquires only to be completely ignored and nothing ever to become of it! Good examples here... ( BuildBox 2 / Classic ) and ( Animation Box, Pixel Box, Sound Box, Voxel Box ) ( The Master Collection 2 ) Isn't these also Buildbox products that had initial capital invested in their development and since then have been completely ignored and are not list and available for the main user base here? Why has these tools been pulled and shelved only not to be used? What about the many customers here that had made substantial investment in these products only to never ever receive updates on them or added additions/features to them to improve upon them? You do not develop a product or a line of products and sell them to a number of customers/users and then just drop them completely and ignore your customers like this as that is very bad business and anyone with two brain cells to rub together clearly knows the difference on that! This is why Buildbox will be losing customers over time if they do not go back to their roots and realize the importance of their customer base and the needs to support them because they supported you guys! You guys need to seriously direct some much needed focus on those other products so mentioned above ( BuildBox Classic / Master Collection 2 / Animation Box, Sound Box, Pixel Box, Voxel Box ) instead of constantly devoting all the attention on only BuildBox 3 and BuildBox World only!! Otherwise you stand to lose more customers over time by continuing to constantly ignore them.. Sorry for the rant everyone that reads this.. But after reading many, many threads and post and speaking with other BuildBox developers on here something seriously needed to be said! I just hate seeing good people / customers being ignored by a company that is making good money from them is all.. Why bring back BuildBox 2 now called Classic if you never ever update and fix the bugs and add the much needed additions / features to it?!? Need to really think long and hard on this one team Buildbox!!!
  16. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    Ah yes many of us have tried to get more evolution out of BBC aka BB2. But, it doesn't seem like they see what the rest of us see. A true no code system. I understand the move to BB3 I do got to keep up with the competition you know? I won't even begin to work with BB3 cause its still so new compared to the competition in so many ways. But I'm still using BBC cause its simple easy and fast. I have been dormant for some time now so I'm just coming back into making games. It's sad to see nothing has changed here. But, I stay in hopes that idk maybe they'll listen or maybe they'll sell the design to someone that wants to make it the best damn no code program out there. Wishful thinking hu? lol! Anyway keep on making games and following your hopes and dreams! P.S: To the staff at apps you guys got a janitorial position open I'm looking to move to the west coast and need a job lol Just kidding... Or am I? Have a good day everybody!
    DrWho likes this.
  17. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    It is indeed very sad when a good product gets the back seat and is completely ignored and left to rot! It was good while it lasted though right? o_O

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