Marketing Online Multiplayer Games

Discussion in 'Game Marketing' started by Kevin243, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. Kevin243

    Kevin243 Boxer

    Apr 23, 2021
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    I'm planning on developing an fps online multiplayer game. But before I start, I want to plan everything to raise the chance of my success. I have already made a research regarding this topic, marketing an online multiplayer game. There is a lot of marketing tips for marketing video games, but I haven't seen one specifically for marketing an online multiplayer game, which I think is more difficult to market than any other video games because it needs more people to play the game at the same time.

    Any tips about this?
  2. Jackazoid

    Jackazoid Avid Boxer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Buildbox does not support multiplayer games.
  3. marlinaddington

    marlinaddington Boxer

    Jun 26, 2020
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    How you will promote this game?
  4. JimmyChang

    JimmyChang Boxer

    May 13, 2021
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    There are a lot different types of marketing, you will need to pick the right strategy, and try to not loss all your money :)
  5. tyooos

    tyooos Boxer

    Apr 3, 2019
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    Identify your target audience: Understand who your ideal players are and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. Consider factors such as age, interests, and gaming preferences to create targeted messaging. Develop a compelling brand: Build a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Create a captivating logo, memorable visuals, and a unique selling proposition that sets your game apart from others in the genre. Leverage social media: Establish a strong presence on popular social media platforms where gamers gather. Engage with your audience by sharing teasers, behind-the-scenes footage, and updates about the game's development. Encourage players to share their experiences and create a community around your game. Engage with influencers: Collaborate with popular gaming influencers and streamers who have a dedicated following. They can help generate buzz around your game by streaming gameplay, hosting tournaments, or providing reviews. Organize beta tests and demos: Offer early access to your game through closed beta tests or demos. This not only builds anticipation but also allows you to gather valuable feedback from players, helping you refine and improve the game before its official release. Participate in gaming events: Attend gaming conventions, conferences, and eSports tournaments to showcase your game and connect with potential players. Networking with industry professionals can also open doors for partnerships or promotional opportunities. Utilize targeted advertising: Consider investing in targeted online advertising, focusing on platforms that gamers frequently visit. This can include display ads, video ads, or collaborations with gaming-related websites.
  6. Elbrus_Europe

    Elbrus_Europe Boxer

    Mar 10, 2018
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    It might be late for my answer, but here goes.
    MMO games indeed come with their own unique set of marketing challenges. My recommendation? While good content, positive reviews, and collaborations can help, tracking and analyzing competitive info is crucial, too. One tool I've found extremely effective is this AdSpy tool. It lets you spy on your competitors, their strategies, and their successful campaigns, which I think could give valuable insight. You can then refine your tactics to ensure maximum player engagement. It's like getting a sneak peek at their game plan!

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